
Monday, September 14, 2009

Laughs for Book Nerds

It’s been a great week—with lots of good news all around. My first book, Simple Wishes, hit the number two spot for Sony’s E-reader recently, thanks to a promotion from my publisher! You can imagine that’s kept me going for a while!

I just put a post together over on my personal blog about why readers rock (so stop over and join the conversation if you like--all comments automatically enter you to win my LOVE TO READERS prize).

In the meantime, I wanted to add some good cheer to your day by posting some of my favorite pictures from failblog, which is always good for a laugh. One little warning though--the last time I was on their site I almost got a virus. So be cautious if you go exploring over there.

I hope you word nerds out there enjoy these funny picts! Have a great day!

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog


  1. Congratulations on your book.

  2. Congratulations on your book.
    I love those pictures, they are so funny. I've gone to to see some really funny professional cakes...gone horribly wrong. Those funny webisites sure do know to make us laugh.

  3. Today's blog was favorite picture was the WARNING: WATER! Super cute!!

  4. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Congrats !!
    Love those pics ;-)
