
Monday, August 31, 2009

Creativity - Helen Bianchin

My ten year-old grand-daughter loves ballet, dance, hip-hop, and her dream is to be an entertainer. Almost every move she makes involves a dance step and her expressive features
become alive as she slips into her own imaginary world where music plays that only she can hear.

She asked me with great seriousness if I hear peoples' voices when I write. The truth? Yes.
My characters exchange dialogue in my head. What's more, I see them as if they're actors in a movie only I can see - in technicolour.

My grand-daughter doesn't think this is weird or extraordinary. To her, it appears quite normal.

The conversation made me wonder about creativity. Do artists who paint see the work on a blank canvas? Sculptors envision a finished work as they chisel stone or form a wax model in which to bronze? Composers hear notes on a piano or their musical instrument of choice? Some of the most famous inventors - Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Madam Curie - what drove them to explore the unknown, to persist against tremendous odds to achieve what appeared the almost impossible in their time?

For writers - what is it that drives each of us to sit for hours each day (and night) in front of a computer to write stories? No matter the genre. From personal experience, when I finish a book and deliver it to my editor, I think I'll never be able to write another book. I'm done. Finished. The book was a fluke. Yet fast-forward a week or two, and an idea will present itself. Then the characters appear. I need thinking time. I make notes, cut pictures from magazines -slowly it all begins to take shape and substance.

What drives you to write?
How do you view the creative process?
Could you ever really give up telling stories?

I'd love to hear some responses .....



  1. Hi Helen,
    It's so nice to see you here. I started reading Presents in the late 70's and 80's and you were one of my favorite authors.

    I sold in 1999 to Super Romance and today I'm writing books I love to read, thanks to reading authors with your great talent.

    I write because I can't see myself doing anything else. And I love the creative process. There are stories in my head and I have to write them. I see a story like a movie, but I haven't seen it in color yet. Or at least I'm not aware of it. I'm into the characters, and yes, I hear them talking.


  2. Hi Linda,
    Thank you so much for your kind words. It's lovely to see you here.

    The creative process is fascinating, so too is the compulsion to transfer characters and their stories into words on screen. Then there are times the writer slams into a figurative brick wall when a character flatly refuses to perform as the writer directs!

    All the best

  3. While I don't write novels, I do write articles and I don't think I could give that up. I write what I feel passionate about. I think you really have to love what you do in order to do it good.

  4. Hi Helen, how lovely to *see* you!

    Isn't that creative process amazing? It's just like you say, after a book there's nothing left, it's drained, all gone and you think, how the heck did I ever get through this thing.

    And a couple of days later you're raring to do it all again! We must be nuts:-))

    I love the sound of your granddaughter. She's a treasure. And so perceptive!

    Best wishes from way down south,


  5. PS: Please keep that creativity going. The world needs more great Helen Bianchin reads!

  6. Couldn't agree more with you, Trish. I love Helen's books!

  7. Hi Mary,
    You are so right about needing to love what you do. To hopefully do it right - and fix it when it's wrong.

    As to giving up - no, I don't think I could.


  8. Hi Trish!
    You really are a sweetheart. Thank you.

    The creativity gene is something else, isn't it? "Nuts" just about covers it!

    Best wishes

  9. Hi Lee,

    You're a lovely lady who does so much for the writing community.

    Thank you so much for asking me to blog - and for your patience.

    All the best, always
