
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Look No Further... - Christina Hollis

…for more good reasons to read romance. When the weather’s murky and the economy shows no signs of improving, it’s an ideal way to relax and raise your spirits. First, there’s the pleasure of browsing the book shop shelves. Nowadays you can leaf online, too! Then there’s the delight of plunging into the story. Romantic novels are the ideal way to escape the everyday, and enter a world of dreams. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve taken a break from the housework, abandoning it for the pleasures of a dashing sheik or brooding Greek.

Romance is a very popular way of cheering ourselves up. Recent research conducted by Book Marketing Limited for the Romantic Novelists' Association showed the romantic fiction market to be worth £118million a year, and growing. For a small sum (or even for free, if there’s a lending library nearby) anyone can indulge their favourite fantasy, or discover a new one. Best of all, there’s the assurance that whatever the romantic strife, it will always reach a satisfying conclusion. In my view, there’s only one thing better than reading romance, and that’s writing it. I can let my imagination go wild. Developing new characters and then setting them down to sort out their conflicts in a place I love is a wonderful job. When I was working on The Ruthless Italian’s Inexperienced Wife, I found the perfect way to get myself in the mood for writing. There’s a lane not far away from here that runs through an avenue of lime trees. At this time of year they are in full flower. The perfume is wonderful, and to walk in their shade on a hot afternoon when they are humming with millions of bees is heavenly. It was so relaxing, I gave my hero Marco some lime trees outside his grand house. Now, when you read The Ruthless Italian’s Inexperienced Wife, you’ll know where I got the idea!


  1. I'm looking forward to reading it! Thanks for the explanations. I can totally relate to taking a break from housework to finish up a book -- we all have priorities! (Obviously housework isn't one of mine!) May your days be filled with less and less housework....

  2. Ooh, Laney4, that's a lovely wish!

  3. It's not only an ideal way to relax and raise your spirits but and ideal way to lose yourself when reality throws sorrow your way. I read a lot anyway but when I was caring for my mother when she had terminal cancer I spent as much time as I could with a book so I could forget for a while that I would lose her in a very short time.

  4. I grab a good romance book whenever I want to escape reality for a while----housework, gardening, etc.

  5. Thanks - your replies all go to show how important reading is when we need to escape for a little while.
    My thoughts are with you especially, EllenToo. When those close to us are ill, it's almost impossible to bear.
    Best wishes

  6. Christina I can't wait to pick this one up. I love your HP titles.
