
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

FAIR GAME by Jasmine Haynes is out!

Okay, shameless promotion! Fair Game is out tomorrow! And I just got my author copies on Saturday. It’s got such a sexy red cover. Fair Game has the distinction of being my 20th book between all my pseudonyms and my 10th Jasmine Haynes. What a milestone!

Fair Game is Josie’s story. She’s Faith’s cousin from The Fortune Hunter and Show and Tell. And her hero is Kyle Perry. They have some very sexy times together. Though I don’t profess to be writing literary material, I do try to provide more than just a bunch of hot sex. In Josie’s story, I bring out a couple of issues I’ve faced in my working career. First is the Peter Principle. This is a business principle I learned about in college which basically states that people are promoted to the level of their incompetency, ie, you’re good at one job so you’re promoted to another that you’re not necessarily as good at it. The second issue is dealing with the life-threatening illness of a coworker. This one they didn’t touch in college. You know, they just don’t teach you how to deal with difficult life issues like that, instead they teach about the Peter Principle and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. One of my experiences with a coworker’s illness occurred when I returned to a company after having another job for 9 months. The first time I saw one of the VPs after that absence, he’d lost a lot of weight and he looked very trim. I said, “Wow, you look great, how’s the wife and kids,” yadda, yadda, foot in mouth blabbing. He got the oddest look on his face. Shock. Like I was coming onto him or something. At least that’s the way I interpreted the expression. Later, talking to one of the Accounting girls, I mentioned how much he’d changed. That’s when she told me his wife had left him, then he’d been diagnosed with leukemia, hence the weight loss. Granted I couldn’t have known all that, but I felt terrible for having such a big mouth. My blundering actually made it very difficult for me to talk to him after that, and unfortunately he passed away after a long battle. For those who think work and personal life should always be kept separate, it’s very hard to do that when you spend 75% of your waking hours there. The personal always seems to come into it, and I don’t just mean your love life.

I’d love to hear about some of your work experiences if you’d like to share, especially any humorous ones. Post a comment and I’ll enter you in the drawing (you must type in your email address to be entered) for an autographed copy of Show and Tell, book 2 in the Fortune Hunter trilogy. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. And I hope you’ll try Fair Game to see how Josie handles her work issues, including how she mixes business with pleasure--that naughty girl--and the delectable Kyle Perry.

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB!


  1. Hello Jasmine,

    Congrats on the book.

    I've worked in several different place from offices to factories and a little in between. My most memorable job was a convenience store in Texas. I loved it. Have a great day.

    house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

  2. Thank you! My favorite job (besides being a writer) is along the same lines as the convenience store. I worked at a theater selling tickets and as a candy counter girl, free movies and free popcorn!

  3. Oh, that sounds like an intriguing book!

    Hmm. Although I've had the same job for the last 13 years, I had a lot of different jobs before that. I think my favorite one was fighting forest fires for the Forest Service in the Black Hills. (Truth!)

  4. Hi Jasmine,
    Congratulations on the new book. Many years ago I worked with a man in his early twenties who was just married and then they found out that his wife had a brain tumor. You are so right that everyone that works together is heartbroken when there's a health crisis because I know our whole office felt awful about that.

  5. Thank you, Chris. And fighting fires sounds like a most rewarding job!

    And thank you, Maureen. Yes, work can be your family away from your family. When tragedy strikes, it hurts everyone.

  6. Congrats on your new book!
    No stories--I was a homemaker most of my life.

  7. Congrats on the new book Jasmine

    I have only had 2 jobs over the years working in a bank when I first left school till I left to have children and now I have been working in the same place for 19 years where I started washing dishes and am now a superviser. I work in a very social place we have bars and resaurants very busy place lots of staff and over the years lots of funny stories we had a manager come into work one day with different coloured shoes on when I said to him Jimmy look at your shoes he laughed and said he had picked up his shoes in the dark so as not to wake his wife and didn't notice the difference he stayed at work all day with these odd shoes and in our magazine he was "wally of the month".
    Have Fun

  8. Congrats on the release of your 20th book. Workplaces are quite cliquish like high school. I've worked in places where one group refuses to interact with certain people. Teamwork was obviously not a top priority.
    janie1215 AT

  9. Thanks, Estella. Being a homemaker is a fulltime career, and I bet you have tons of great stories!

    Thanks, Helen, and LOL, I love the shoe story! My husband always has mismatched socks because I refuse to pair them after I do laundry!

    And thank you, Jane! I'm so sorry to hear about such an unworkable clique. I agree, they happen. I was very lucky to work at my first job out of college for 8 years, and I loved the people I was with. We all moved on to the next company together, yes, just about all of us, and I worked there for over 15 years. So I literally grew up with those people and I still love them today.

  10. A humorous work situation? Hmm, let me think a moment...

    Alright I got one. In college I worked at one of the dining locations, and we served mostly hot sandwiches among other things. Well, one of our signature things was that every sandwich gets a spear pickle with it, unless someone specifically said they didn't want it. One time, a customer came up to the register and ordered a sandwich, then proceeded to tell my co-worker that the past 3 times she's been in there she's asked for an extra pickle but never got any. So me and the kitchen staff heard that this lady wanted an extra pickle and to make sure she got one. Well, one of my co-workers grabbed about 6 pickles and took them up to the front to hand over to the customer. Everyone thought it was funny because of the look on the customer's face lol.

    jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

  11. Ugh. The topic reminds me of the time I was given contact details for a member of staff to come and collect some files. I thought nothing of it, called her, asked her to come round tomorrow and take them away. Next afternoon the new secretary came in with a face like thunder, 'said there's a FRIEND of yours here' and walked out. It turned out her husband had left her for this girl, whom she knew about but had never met, and she'd been devastated to find her at the door wanting to see me. Not a thing I could have done about it, as I didn't know any of this, but I felt terrible for weeks after.

  12. Now I call that service, Ash! 2 pickles for each of the 3 times she didn't get what she wanted!

    Ooh, Alison, I can imagine your mortification. But you're right, it wasn't your fault. What a coincidence!

    Thanks for stopping by everyone! I'm off to choose the random winner of Show and Tell. Be back in a minute. Oh, I also have to kiss the hubby goodbye before he goes to work.

  13. And the winner is....

    Ash!!!! Congratulations! Please email me at skully at skullybuzz dot com with your snail mail, and I'll send the book out this week. I'll also send you an email notice, too.

    Thanks everyone!
