
Monday, May 04, 2009

Pairings and Phrases -- Susanna Carr

The other day I was catching up on my Facebook and Myspace. Sometimes when you want to add a friend, a security check pops up. You’re given some words to type into a text box to prove that you are a person (and not a spamming program, I guess.)

Have you ever noticed some of the phrases in the Facebook security check? They are so weird. Here’s a sample of what I had to type in the text box at Facebook:

Smooth urethra
Windbag rides
The schnable
Gratify yer-client

I’m curious about the schnable. Is it bigger than a breadbox? And Gratify yer-client? Where do they get these phrases? Anyone know?


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Well, hopefully they aren't meant to actually mean anything, (pretty please! LOL), but just to be as random as possible so those spambot thingies have a hard time to post. If they do mean something, then they have a different dictionary than the rest of us. ;)

    Although the schnable, was it, does sound yummy. :)


  2. I have wondered about that myself. Who is the lucky person that thinks them all up? That would be a fun job! Schnable? Hmmm...sounds to me like an action word. I schnable you to come up with a different phrase. Like in, I challenge you.

    Have a great week!

  3. I think the security words can be hilarious!

    Smooth urethra *snerk*

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I think it's do to the spam the site has experienced and but they're crazy aren't they?

  5. LOL! Smooth Urethra! I love it. Where do they get these things!!?? However, I will say that at least they are somehow recognizable as a word, even if not real. I hate the ones where it's a bunch of skewed letters and numbers. I usually have to type them in a couple before I actually get it right. maybe it's just my eyesite, but I can't figure out whether that's an o or a c!


  6. My security word here is "croman", so I'm immediately thinking of a round-torsoed man with black/blue shiny feathers with a bit of a hacking cough...

    Loved this little piece of pondering. Fun!
