
Friday, April 24, 2009

When in doubt Naked David Boreanaz it - Amanda Ashby

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a minor, totally under-control, no need to get worried about it, David Boreanaz obsession. Anyway, due to this small (completely harmless) fixation, I do have a tendency to mention his name whenever possible, because I've read The Secret and I know that if don't put this stuff out there, then nothing will ever happen, so really it's my civil duty to talk about him as much as possible.

Plus, as my friend Marta Acosta and I have discovered, the more you talk about David Boreanaz (with particular reference to being naked) the better blog hits you get. We first stumbled across this phenomena when my debut book You Had Me at Halo came out I did a guest post for Marta over at her fabulous Vampire Wire blog.

Anyway, because of my above mentioned obsession, I might've said his name once or twice (or fifteen times, but really, who counts these things?) and because she is a gracious hostess she put up some very lovely and very naked pictures to accompany my post. The thing is, that almost a year later she told me that it's still the blog entry that gets the most Googled.

Which was why, when I did a blog post for her to celebrate my new book Zombie Queen of Newbury High, I did exactly the same thing and not only did we get loads of hits for it, but everyone got so excited about the thoughts of David Boreanaz naked that Marta decided to form the Naked David Boreanaz fan club (I told you she was a great hostess).

So my friends, because I'm a sharing and caring sort of girl, my tip of the day is whenever you want to get your blog hits up, just show some pictures of the gorgeous DB baring his flesh and see what happens. But remember, I called dibs on him first (what? You didn't think I was that much of a sharer and carer did you?)


  1. Haha Amanda, I should probably do that with my blog.


  2. You're safe from me - I have a comparable thing over Nathan Kamp. Mmm...

  3. ND20 - most definitely because the world can never have too much Naked David Boreanaz!!!!!

  4. Chris - oooh, he's pretty. And he cooks as well. I like it!!!

  5. Does the same work for zombie blogs? Any Naked Zombie David Boreanaz photos out there?

  6. lol Nathan Kamp is yummy

  7. My badge is proudly perched at the top of my sad little blog!

  8. Zedword - oooh naked David Boreanaz Zombie - if there are photos then I'll find them!

    Ash - yup!

    Sweet Melissa - how can your blog be sad when you have NDB on it?!

  9. Ohhh goodness I love this man. So much. Thank you for the post! It's great!

  10. Anonymous1:50 PM

    This is like taking a trip inside my head.
