
Monday, April 20, 2009

Old-Age Home For Books by Linda Conrad

Last month we talked about Spring Cleaning and I said the subject of organizing your books was a topic for another time. Well, no time like the present. I’ve finished with most of the promo for my Safekeeper series and my April release; IN SAFE HANDS. I am now dithering over a new proposal. house cleaning is done!

So, temporarily I have a pristine house and the books that have collected in my office over the last year ought not to be cluttering it up. These are well-read books, the ones looking a bit gray around the edges, that I’ve enjoyed and should be outside in the hands of someone else who will enjoy them as much as I did. I am not one for selling my used books. But can you ever bring yourself to throw a good book away? Books that might not be slated for your keeper shelves perhaps, but books you enjoyed and are now so over? Just the thought gives me the heeby jebbies.

Here are a few surefire ways of finding good homes for your graying babies and a little inner peace for yourself:

1. Stop by a nursing home with an armload of books and ask for the activities director. Most will welcome you and your books like a long lost sister. While there, peek into a few rooms and say
hello. Talk about a good feeling!

2. The Emergency room of a hospital is another great place to leave a few books. Hardly anyone thinks to bring along reading material when they are rushing a loved one to the ER (only to sit around waiting for hours on end)

3. Stack some books in a shoe box (loose books slide all over the back seat) and put them in your car. Drop a few off at all the places you visit during your regular day. The waiting room of you children's doctor, the hairdresser, the dentist and the nail place are all good opportunities. I left a couple of paperbacks in the jury waiting room last month and I bet they were a big hit. Some of your graying babies may be unwelcome at some of these places and pitched. But most will be passed on to be read again and again.

4. How about that charity flea market that has been soliciting you for donations? Drag out an old basket, fill it up with books, add a ribbon and there you go! A great money maker.

5. Some (but not all) libraries are thrilled to get new book contributions—even paperbacks.

6. There is a movement I’ve heard about where the idea is to leave a book on a bus bench or at a table in the mall food court (or other public places) for others to read. But I worry about uncontrollable things like weather and rowdy teenagers. You might want to try it for yourself, though.

Now I have another problem. When I began to clean the books out of my house, I found a stack of books still in my To-Be-Read pile. Uh oh. I am in big trouble. Now I remembered why I wanted to read all those books in the first place. Must read instead of work!

Here are just a few of the titles I absolutely must read before reading anything else:

Murder Game by Christine Feehan
Storm Front by Jim Butcher
The Desert King’s Pregnant Bride by Annie West
Gateways by F. Paul Wilson
Manhunter by Loreth Anne White
Whisper No Lies by Cindy Gerard

Oh dear.

How about you? I’d love to know what’s in your To-Be-Read pile. Or maybe you have a better idea to share of what to do with your books once you’ve read them. We are dying to know!

Leave a comment before tomorrow morning and I’ll choose two people to receive an autographed copy of IN SAFE HANDS (or a book from my backlist if you’ve already read it)

Linda Conrad’s latest Silhouette Romantic Suspense trilogy, The Safekeepers, wrapped up in April with IN SAFE HANDS.
Don’t forget to drop by Linda’s website to find out
what’s Behind the Book for her series, and register to enter her ongoing contest to win books and gift certificates!


  1. My TBR pile is insane! However, it includes the likes of:

    Underground by Kat Richardson
    A Rush of Wings by Adrian Phoenix
    Eve of Destruction by SJ Day
    A Devon Monk book

    and many many others.

    I trade my books on when I'm done with them if I do not want to keep them

  2. Books that I don't want to keep, I usually give to a friend that reads the books that I do. Once she is done with them sometimes I get them back or she passed them onto one of her friends. I also sometimes give them to the library.

    My TBR pile consist of:
    Diamond in the Rough by Diana Palmer
    Montana Creeds: Logan by Linda Lael Miller
    The Timber Baron's Virgin Bride by Daphne Clair
    Framed! by Robin Caroll
    Luring Jesse by Sylvie Kayes

    plus so many others.

  3. Oh dear. Oh dear. macbeaner! I just found Eve of Destruction next to my bed! Darn. One more 'must read.'
    Thanks for the note about That's a good idea too.

  4. Hi Becky! Yes, I give books to my sister all the time, and she passes on to her friends. But sometimes there is just too many or she's already read the book.

    I've read several of the books on your list. Some great reads there. Enjoy!

  5. I have quit a few books in my TBR pile here are just a few:

    Vegas Heat by Fern Michaels
    The Winter Lodge by Susan Wiggs
    Royal Blood by Rona Sharon
    When Comes The Spring by Janette Oke

    and so many more. Have a great day.

  6. My TBR pile is so large that it needs its own zipcode! It includes: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead, Hunted by P.C. Cast, Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine, and a LOT of others.

  7. I have quite a few in my TBR pile and one group I have is you Safe Keepers trilogy. I just got the last one that I was waiting on. Also have A Dangerous Beauty by Sophia Nash, The Lair of the Wolf Jennifer St. Giles, The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleene Woodiwiss,and The Promiss by Tj Bennett to name a few! I just can't never decide what to read, so many choses and so little time!

  8. I donate most of my giveaway books to the Senior Citizen Hall .
    My TBR pile is a mountain.
    Montana Creeds: Dylan by Linda Lael Miller

    Temptation Ridge by Robyn Carr
    Mercy Street by Mariah Stewart
    Betrayals by Carla Neggers
    Night's Pleasure by Amanda ashley
    Shattered by JoAnn Ross
    are a few of the books in my pile.

  9. Hey housemouse88! You've got quite a few great books in that TBR bunch. I know you'll enjoy them.

  10. LOL, Ash! Love the zipcode comment. May I use it? Too funny. And too true---

  11. Virginia, Hope you enjoy the Safekeepers! The rest of your TBR books are all terrific. I've read them all. And time is the biggest problem.

  12. Hi Estella,
    Mountain is a good image for my TBR pile too. I read Linda Lael Miller's book too. I liked it.

  13. Good on you Linda for getting everything tidied up I wish I could one day I will. I have a very hard time letting any of my books go I always think that when I retire I may not be able to buy books like I do now so I like to think I will have lots to keep me going LOL
    In my TBR pile at the moment I have
    Dark Highland Fire Kendra Leigh Castle
    The Sheikh's Ransomed Bride Annie West
    Pleasuring The Pirate Emily Bryan
    Tempted By His Kiss Tracy Anne Warren
    When A Stranger Loves Me Julianne MacLean
    BTW Linda you are going to love The Desert Kings Pregnant Bride by Annie West I did.

    Have Fun

  14. My TBR pile is large. Next on my list is Mary Balogh's latest. Our library has periodic book sales to raise money for the library so they always accept books in good condition and if it's not in good condition then it has to be tossed.

  15. You may certainly use it Linda lol :P

  16. Another nice list, Helen! I've been meaning to get a couple of them myself. Sigh. Still too many books and too little time.

  17. At least you try to find your babies a good home, Maureen! Good on you. Good luck getting through your pile of TBRs.

  18. Thanks, Ash! You're a doll.

  19. I call my TBR a tower. A few that I'm really anxious to get to are:

    Mayhem in High Heels by Gemma Halliday
    The Trouble with Paradise by Jill Shalvis
    Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
    Speed Demon by Erin Lynn
    and so many more

    I have read the first book in your Safekeeper series and enjoyed it so much. Looking forward to reading the remaining ones.

    Cheryl S.

  20. hey Cheryl! Thanks for the list. Soem good titles. Hope you get to the other two Safekeepers too. LOL

  21. My TBR pile is about 100 books high and that includes your "In Safe Hands".
    Most recent additions to the pile--
    Bounty Hunter's Woman by Linda Turner
    The Taking of Carly Bradford by Ramona Richards
    Billionaire Doctor, Ordinary Nurse by Carol Marinelli
    Doorstep Daddy by Shirley Jump

    I give some of my books to friends who then pass them on to other friends

  22. my tbr pile:

    The Tycoon's Pregnant Mistress-Maya Banks
    Give Me a Cowboy -Linda Broday
    Bachedlor Boss - Christie Ridgway
    Desperate Duchedss- Eloisa james
    All U Can Eat/A Little Night- Lauren Dane

  23. My TBR pile is huge. And I can't resist buying new books either, so it keeps on growing. Some of them are:

    Lucky Charm - Carly Phillips
    A Duke to Die For - Amelia Grey
    Kiss of Darkness - Jennifer St. Giles
    Dream Warrior - Sherrilyn Kenyon
    Her Secret Lover - Sara Bennett

  24. Hi Linda, I love the idea of dropping off loved books you've no room for at an old age home, or even for people doing Jury duty. Good on you!

    I've just sent a stack of my foreign translations off to some libraries, which felt very good. Now though I have all those books I've read and am not yet ready to give away. Will have to be strong and start making a move to do so (sigh). I envy you those neat bookshelves. They look so appealing. Mine are stacked double with more books across the top (tsk). What I really need is my own library room...and to start giving away some more. Thanks for the tips!

    By the way, I hope Helen is right an you enjoy my Desert King's Pregnant Bride. And thanks for the wrap, Helen. I hope you enjoy Rafiq and Belle's story.

    Linda, I haven't got my hands on 'In Safe Hands' yet, but am on the lookout for it.

  25. It may not solve the problem of piles of books, but I belong to a UK swap site called, which lets you list your books and pick from someone else's swap list. The US one is It's great if you fancy reading something new, as you can search for the author/title you want then offer one of your own preread books in exchange.

  26. Michele Albert- One Way Out
    Julie Garwood-Shadow Dance
    Kasey Michaels-Mischief Becomes Her
    Power Play-Deidre Martin
    A Duke To Die For- Amelia Gray
    Talk of the Town-Sherrill Bodine
    The Lost Recipe of Happiness- Barbara O'Neal

    I just finished Samantha James' The Seduction of a Unknown Lady
    last night.

    I donate to our library and to thrift stores.

  27. I got lost for a few hours last night with a sick husband and came back this morning to more lists of great books!

    I'm like you, Marie, I can't resist buying more and now my TBR problem just got worse. :(

    Thanks everyone for giving us such great ideas! And I hope you enjoy In Safe Hands, Ellen!

    A special thanks to the lovely and talented Annie West for commenting and her grand idea of our own library rooms! Hooray! What a dream that would be. Wish I could afford one. LOL

  28. I wish I could send all of you books. Thanks to all of you for taking part and giving us a look at what you're reading!

    I did draw names and housemouse88 and Alison won! Congrats you two!
    Both of you send me your snail mail addresses and I'll send IN SAFE HANDS. Email me at:

    Thanks again everyone!

  29. I have 3 ways to deal with some of my books:
    1. When I travel I take only books that I do not want to keep, and leave them behind as I finish them
    2. I belong to
    3. I donate them to our local library - the Friends of the Library runs a used book store at very reasonable costs - and the money raised goes back into the library - and I am a fierce believer in keeping our libraries open!
