
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Happy St David's Day from Kate Walker

It’s March 1st – the beginning of a new month. It’s St David’s day and he’s the patron saint of Wales. In fact he was supposed to have been born in Pembrokeshire, not all that far from Fishguard where I was teaching a Writing The Novel course last weekend. I had a wonderful time and added to my happy memories of Wales. Of course one particular memory of Wales stands out above the rest because it was in Aberystwyth, on Cardigan Bay, where I first met my husband a long time ago.

So March 1st is for celebrating St David. Realising I knew very little about him, I looked him up and discovered that he’s supposed to have lived to be 100 and that he advocated vegetarianism so I can relate to him there - the vegetarianism I mean. I don't know about living to be 100 - not yet! He’s also supposed to have been born on the edge of a cliff in a violent storm.

Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why there is a saying about March that it is supposed to ‘come in like a lion and go out like a lamb’. I was thinking about that saying this morning and realised that really it’s the sort of thing that could be used to describe one of my heroes too! Being typically Presents heroes, these guys appear on the scene ‘stormy’ and forceful, sweeping all before them and turning his poor heroine’s life upside down. Take Santos Cordero, the hero of my March UK release, Cordero’s Forced Bride for example. When the woman he originally planned to marry does a runner and doesn’t turn up at the wedding, he is determined that someone else will take her place. And the someone else he insists on is Natalie’s half-sister, Alexa. Alexa will marry him he declares and he’s determined to make it happen, whether she likes it or not. The passion between them is too strong to be denied.

But of course that’s at the beginning of the book and as the story progresses both Santos and Alexa learn that there is so much more to this relationship than there appeared to be at the beginning. By the time comes for the happy ending, Santos, if not exactly ‘like a lamb’ is a very different person from the man who began the story stormy and blustery.

Personally I love both sorts of weather – wild storms or gentle sun-warmed days. And in the same way I love my heroes in their wilder more difficult times and the loving, caring men they finally can show their heroines at the end of the book. I suppose it’s like the way that when the storms are raging outside I know they won’t last for ever and in the month of March there is the hope of spring very close behind. I think that’s why March is one of my favourite months – it holds such promise.

Actually, as I write this, the weather is mild and mellow – no sign of those March winds that mean the month is coming in like a lion but I’m sure those will come – after all, there’s snow predicted for next week!

So what’s you’re favourite month and why? Tell me and I’ll get Sid the cat on the job of picking out a winner from everyone who posts and they’ll get a signed book from my backlist

Kate's latest novel Cordero's Forced Bride will be released in Mills & Boon Modern in March and Mills & Boon Sexy in and it is still available in Harlequin Presents.
Pink Heart Society Reviews described the book as :

" . . . intense, explosive and the passion leaps off the pages. It’s one of those books that once you begin you’ll literally stay up all night reading.

Cordero’s Forced Bride is part of the Bedded by Blackmail series and a wonderful addition especially with this year being Harlequin’s Diamond Anniversary, celebrating sixty years. It’s a beautiful sensual and passionate love story and one you definitely won’t want to miss."

You can find out more about Kate and her books on her website or for the most up to date news, visit her blog.
WINNER - Sid has done his job and the name he has picked is Virginia. So Virginia will you please email me kate AT and then I can organise your signed book.
Thanks to everyone who commented.


  1. June is my favorite month for a simple enough reason...June days have more hours of daylight. It's a month of celebration (all those brides) with just a touch of regret (days also begin to get shorter).

  2. I have a great difficulty selecting
    "a" favorite month. My favorites
    are the months when my children and
    grandchildren were born. If I had
    to select a month it would be April,
    the month when Honey and I were so
    happily joined in Holy Matrimony!!

    Pat Cochran

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I love April and May. Its like the world come to life these months. The weather is warmer, we have the spring showers and the flowers start to bloom. I chose both months because that is when it all happens and I am soooo ready for spring!

  4. I really like August. It's hot and sultry, the way I like my heroes! It means too, that summer will be giving way to fall, and cooler nights. That's the way of it here in the States.

  5. Hi Terry. June is lovely isn't it? Those hours of daylight - long light evenings are wonderful.

  6. Pat I'd agree with you - you note that I said that March was 'one' of my favourite months. An aApril wedding sounds lovely - and a great reason to choose that as a special month

  7. Virginia, I'd have to agree with you about loving the months when spring starts to show. And I have to love May because that's my birthday month.

  8. Hi Kaye - I'm seeing you all over the place today! As I can't take the heat too well, I'll admit that I can find August a lttle wearing - though here in the UK we don;t usually get a really 'hot and sultry' month too often. But then as my real-life hero has his birthday in August, I find I can love that month too!

  9. My favorite month is April. It's when the weather is starting to look like spring everything is starting to bloom. It also is the month I started dating my husband and then a year later married my husband so I love April.

  10. October is my favorite month. Cooler days, the leaves turning color, and putting the garden to bed for the year.

  11. I was never very crazy about March because of the weather -- in California it seemed to rain all the time and in Iowa and Montana it is still in the deep freeze for much of the month. But I have other reasons to like it -- three of my sons have feast days this month and several dear friends and family have birthdays. And it's not long until spring! There's actually something to like about every month, I think. So I guess I'll just enjoy them.

    I'm envying you your trip to Wales, Kate. Glad you had a good time. Hope to go back next time I cross the pond.

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I guess my favorite month would be December, I love Christmas so that is probably why. My next favorite is probably either April or May because it is warm but not too hot.

  13. I like May when everything starts to come alive and the weather gets nice and warm
