
Monday, March 09, 2009

Great Screen Kisses

A friend of mine came over for movie night a couple of weeks ago, and we watched Cloverfield (that was for my husband) and Becoming Jane (the requisite chick flick). At the end of Becoming Jane, our hero, played by James McAvoy, gives Jane the most amazing kiss. It was so good, I had to search out other movies with James McAvoy. I found Penelope. Okay, Penelope is a bit strange, it’s a fairy tale, the moral being that you need to be loved for yourself. Honestly, this was a very cute movie. And James did it again, wow, loved that kiss! So this got me to thinking about all the great movie kisses. Of course, there’s Scarlett and Rhett in Gone with the Wind, the quintessential movie kiss. And what about Colin Firth kissing Bridget in Bridget Jones’ Diary? It was the kiss AND what he says.

I could go on and on, but I’d love to hear about your favorite movie kisses, just in case I missed them!

If you leave a post on this blog, I’ll enter you in the drawing for an autographed copy of The Fortune Hunter, book 1 in The Fortune Hunter trilogy. Please leave your email so I know how to contact you.

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB!


  1. Hi Jasmine. Great post. Two kisses that come to mind is the kiss in the rain in The Notebook and in Spiderman when MJ kisses Spiderman when he is hanging upside down.


  2. Yes! Loved the Notebook kiss, too. I'll have to check out Spiderman. I hate to admit it, but I haven't seen any of the Spiderman movies! Bad Jasmine! Thanks for the recommendations, Crystal!

  3. If you're into MacAvoy, you can't beat the library scene in Atonement. *fans self* but it's slightly more than a kiss. LOL

    On his own I don't think JM is that sexy but when you see him in a role he just IS. He has that something.

  4. Oh my gosh, the Bridget Jones kiss is FABULOUS!! Love love love Colin Firth.

    I know this isn't the "giant screen" but when Jim & Pam kissed from the OFFICE I loved it!!

  5. Hi Jasmine, I also was going to say the kiss in The Notebook, but I also loved the one in Gone With The Wind. Right now I can't think of any more but I am sure there is a lot more kisses.

  6. Oh yes, Donna, Atonement, loved that library scene. Unfortunately, I didn't like the rest of the movie, so I guess that's why I forgot how hot the library was.

    And yes, Rachie! I loved the Jim and Pam kiss! I mean, how many seasons did we wait for that. Loved it! maybe that's why some of these kisses are the best, because we wait for them, then end of the movie, the third season, whatever! The rise of all that sexual tension.

    And Virginia, Gone with the Wind will always be one of my favorites. I mean, really, Clark Gable, he just knew how to handle Scarlett.

  7. Rhett and Scarlett in Gone With The Wind as everyone has mentioned I love that one what about Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in From Here To Eternity on the beach

    Have Fun

  8. One of my all time favourites has got to be the kiss in Frankie & Johnny. Early morning, flower market opening up around them as he very reluctantly but enthusiastically kisses the life back into her. It's got everything, well worth checking out if you haven't seen it. I thought that Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer (??) made a great couple in this movie.


  9. The beach scene in From Here To Eternity.

    kissinoak at verizon dot net

  10. Oh gosh, Estella and Helen, how could I NOT have mentioned the beach scene in From Here to Eternity. Especially as I adore Burt Lancaster. That reminds of the kiss between Burt and Audrey Hepburn in The Unforgiven. Another great one. And I'll have to check out Frankie and Johnny, Aideen. I don't think I've seen that one.

  11. I loved the scene leading up to a kiss plus more in 'Ghost' with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. Oh la la.

  12. I have to pick the kiss between George and Mary in It's A Wonderful Life.

  13. I love the kiss in the rain between Holly Golightly and Paul in "Breakfast at Tiffany's."

    janie1215 AT

  14. I love James McAvoy, his on srceen kisses are heart melting! Nice pick Donna.

    Have you seen Gerard Butler in Dear Frankie?

    Timothy Olyphant and Jennifer Garner in Catch and Release. There is a very passionate kiss there, one of my fav movies.


  15. Great choices, everyone! Especially Breakfast at Tiffany's! I've seen most of those movies, but there's a couple I can add to my list. And Dina, I loved Gerard Butler in Dear Frankie!

  16. great post my favorite kiss would have to be in pretty woman at the end where he climbs up the stairs.

  17. I join the group selecting the kiss
    in On The Beach. I remember all the
    talk it generated when it came out.
    It certainly drew in the audiences
    back then!

    Pat Cochran

  18. yeslove birdget jones
    the notebook
    pleased ont enter,meh ahve book

  19. Hi Jasmine. Love this post, first kisses are a great part of a movie, they just make you go all tingly inside.
    Dirty Dancing Johnny Castle and Baby is one of my favorites

  20. Kiss on the fire escape at the end of Pretty Woman!

  21. I thought of another great kiss-at the end of Greencard when AndieM's character, Bronte and Gerard D's character (? name) realize that they love each other and kiss and kiss on the street in front of the restaurant, as the Imigration people are ready to deport him... and they plan to get together in France. AHHH....

  22. Another huge fave of mine is at the end of North and South (the mini of the book by Gaskell). I just finished reading the book last night and I adore the mini series. In fact I was remembering it so fondly, I put a clip of the kiss on my blog today at

    Great kisses here...and maybe I'm a bit pervy but I also really caught my breath when Harry kissed Cho in The Order of the Phoenix.

  23. Ah yes, Pretty Woman has a great kiss! On The Beach, Pat, yes! I have that one in my personal movie collection. I'm really into the classics. And ooh, yes, Sara, Dirty Dancing, I love that sexy dance sequence they do. I have to go and check out the kiss from North and South on your blog Donna!!

    Thanks for all the great movies, everyone! I've got lots of watching to do. I'm off to choose the winner! back in a bit!

  24. Thanks for stopping by everyone! And the winner of The Fortune Hunter is RachieG! I've sent you an email, Rachie, for your snail mail address. Or you can email me on skully at Skullybuzz dot com


  25. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hi Jasmine. Great post.
    Congrats RachelG!!!
