
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Being Keyboard Smart - Nancy Warren

I’m off to hot fusion yoga soon. It’s my new discovery. I’ve learned the hard way that writing is an occupation that is very hard on the body. We think it’s easy sitting around all day but in fact horrible dangers lurk. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, back troubles, neck troubles, not to mention the expanding derriere, you know the one that turns your back end into a shelf suitable for storing the books you spend all day writing? So, anyway, after months of my hands turning blue after about twenty minutes at the keyboard, I now have a neurologist, physiotherapist, massage therapist, rehab Dr. -- a plethora of medical professionals working on my poor aching body. Don’t let that happen to you. I offer the following suggestions learned from painful experience. Don’t get so caught up in writing, reading, blogging, playing online solitaire, emailing, whatever you do at the keyboard, that you don’t take time out. I now have to set a timer for every twenty minutes to make sure I stretch. I think even a ten minute stretch break every hour would be fantastic. Strengthening the core muscles and getting regular exercise is obviously important as is sitting up straight. It’s so easy to start slouching as you get tired. Anyway, I hope my sad history will inspire you to keyboard smarter!

However, in good news, blue hands or not, I’ve got a brand new Blaze out for February, Under the Influence. When a workaholic management consultant on assignment in a laid back surfing town on the California coast walks into a restaurant/bar one night in February she’s so clueless she doesn’t even realize it’s Valentine’s Day until she notices the place is crowded with romantic twosies and she’s the only onesie in the place. Except for the sexy bartender known locally as Hot Johnny. With no place to sit, she ends up at the bar and the two develop an instant attraction. I really love opposites attract stories, and the truth is that I met the real Hot Johnny in a coast side surfing town. How could I not write about him? Of course, my Hot Johnny is entirely fictional but I did borrow the name. I also made full use of him for background info and I got some insight into how a bartender goes about inventing a new cocktail. RT gave Under the Influence 4.5 stars and a Top Pick.

This month I’m also part of Harlequin’s 60th Anniversary celebration. My first NASCAR novel, Speed Dating is available as a free download at, so check it out. You can visit me anytime at

Happy Valentine’s Month. Make sure to treat yourself.

Happy reading,



  1. I love the cover for your book and will be getting my copy ASAP. Can't wait to find out more about Hot Johnny! :)

  2. Sounds really good Nancy I love cocktails it will be great learning about new ones.

    Have Fun

  3. Congrats on your new Blaze release!

  4. Ooh, your new book sounds great. I cannot wait to read it. I love opposites attract stories!

  5. Hi Nancy,

    Your book sounds fab! Love those Nascar drivers! Aren't they dashing?

    Ooo...did you say cocktails? My favorite kind of drinks! Can't wait to see what kind of recipes you have so I can add them to my cache' of recipes.

    Congratulations on your new book!

  6. Hi Nancy - the new book and cocktails sound great Hope all those healthcare professionals can put you right. The timer idea is a good one, and I found it even better (though painful at first)to take solitaire off my computer altogether!

  7. I bought the book today and have started reading it. I have to say that I LOVE IT! I'm really tired right now, but I may end up staying up late to read. LOL. :)

  8. very hot cover sounds like a fantastic read, love blazes
