
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reviews? - Anna Campbell

by Anna Campbell

As regular readers of my blogs know, I have a book out at the end of this month (the 30th December, not that I'm counting! MUCH!).

After over a year since my last release, TEMPT THE DEVIL hits the shelves this month. I hope that brooding, sexy gaze is staring out at you in a local store soon.

I hope he's tempting you! He sure tempts me!

The month leading up to a book's release can be quite a nervous time because it's when you get hit by a lot of REVIEWS!

So far, and I blush to boast, all the reviews for TEMPT THE DEVIL have been of the kind that my mother would write. Romantic Times even went so far as to call it "unforgettable powerhouse romance."

Isn't that nice? It was also nice to be chosen as a January Top Pick and to see my gorgeous hero the Earl of Erith awarded a K.I.S.S. (Knight in Shining Silver) Award.

If you'd like to read more reviews, I've put excerpts from a couple up on my website in the Latest News for December.

While you're there, why not check out the contest where you can win one of three signed copies of TEMPT THE DEVIL? Just tell me what tempts you! Oh, and if you want to read the blurb and an excerpt from the book, visit the books page. Perhaps that might tempt you too!

Something else to tempt you is a trivia contest All About Romance After Hours are running. They've got three copies of my second Avon historical romance UNTOUCHED up for grabs. The contest closes at midnight on 11th December so you've got plenty of time to enter!

Something else to tempt you in December is the 12 Bandita Days of Christmas over on the group blog I share with 19 other fantastic writers. We're giving away rooster-themed prizes from December 12-24, culminating in a major prize on the 24th. Why roosters? Aha, become a regular on the Romance Bandits and you'll discover all!

Then on Christmas Day, we're giving away a humungous hamper of Bandita goodies to someone who manages to wrench themselves away from their presents long enough to comment. Seriously, this is a prize worth winning so if you have a chance on 25th December, pop by and wish us the compliments of the Season!

And while I'm talking about goodies, my good friend Annie West has an amazing contest going on her website right now (closes at the end of December). You can win signed copies of EIGHT latest releases from Aussie authors Anna Campbell (um, that would be me!), Annie West, Robyn Grady, Christine Wells, Carol Marinelli (two books), Melissa James and Nicola Marsh.

As this is my last post for the year, I'd like to thank everyone at Tote Bags for the lovely warm reception I always get here. It's such a nice, friendly blog to be a part of and I'm in awe of my sisters in crime (well, romance!) who blog here. I'd like to say a special thanks to Leena who wrangles us all and makes sure the blog is there. I'd also like to say thanks to everyone who comments on my blog each month. I always thoroughly enjoy the conversations!

Happy Holidays to everyone, however you celebrate the Season. See you back here for a rocking New Year in January 2009! Whoo-hoo!

Now, my question for you is - how much attention do you pay to reviews? Can a review convince you to buy a book?


  1. Great blog Anna what no Golden Rooster here !!!

    I do love to read reviews on books and I will add books to my must get list if the review gets me in I do buy books as well from recomendations from the blogs I visit and word of mouth.
    Congrats on the reviews for Tempt The Devil I am so looking forward to reading this book.

    I really enjoy this blog as well I always feel welcome and comfortable and have added a few books to the TBR pile and the must get list can never have too many books

    Have Fun

  2. If the reviews are consistently good, I might take notice, but I usually go with my instinct on a book. If I like what is blurbed on the back cover and in excerpts, then I will usually buy the book.

  3. Hi Anna, I can't wait to be tempted by your Devil.

    Mostly I buy books if I like excerpts I see around I find on my own or check when a friend recommends. For reviews, depends, I mainly go by certain reviewers and bloggers here and there whose raves and recommendations are for the same books I liked a lot, or it could be someone who's enthusiastic and good at telling why. I have to say I've read a few of your recommendations, Anna, that have me looking to find out more.

  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Wonderful post. congrats on the upcoming release. yes a review can sway me to buy a book, especially if its a new author to me.

  5. Hi Anna! My, you're just everywhere today, aren't you? :)

    Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to TTD? Oh, I have? Really? I've mentioned it that much? Wow, it must be an amazing book! (grin)

    I read the RT reviews and reviews by certain critics/bloggers whose taste in books I share. I sometimes buy based on those reviews or recommendations of friends who have read a book but I don't ever not buy based on a bad review. Taste is too subjective to do that.

    Congrats on TTD. Wishing you much success!


  6. Hi Anna,

    Wishing you warm holiday greetings!!

    Since I now write blurbs, I do pay attention to rviews, just to get an idea of the book, I would still show interest even if it might not be as positive as I would like them to be.

  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Loved your blog Anna, I have been trying to get that Rooster but someone always gets there first.

    I do read reviews and sometimes they sway me to buy the books. I also go by the type of book and the author to. There are a lot of good recomendations on the blogs and I go by that alot.

  8. I am a back blurb, teasear and first page person. A review might tempt to me to buy, but it would only be because of the idea of the story sounded like something I might like.
    The same thing with films. I don't generally pay attention to film reviews either. Poster and logline.

  9. Helen, there is but ONE Golden Rooster and you know where he belongs! Mind you, these days I'd say he belongs with you, he's visited so often! Yes, I must say a review can sway me to pick up a book. Tote Bags is a nice spot to be, isn't it? Thanks as always for your support, my friend!

    Margay, I think with reviews too, I've learnt some reviewers have similar taste to mine and some don't. I've seen books I love absolutely slated. I've seen books I wasn't so keen on lauded to the skies. These days, too, you can find out so much about a book even without looking at reviews. As you say, excerpts and just the buzz around the Internet can alert me to something good without having to read a formal review.

  10. Hi Pam! But you already know I'm a woman of exquisite taste, I love your books ;-) I love sharing books I've loved with other people and now that I've got all these people on the Internet who I know are book fanatics too, I'm as happy as a pig in mud!

    Sarabelle, I think you're right - reviews are so much more important for a new author. Once I've bought and liked a writer, I just buy her book anyway. It doesn't matter about the cover or the blurb. It's the name that makes me buy. But new authors don't have that privilege.

  11. PJ, what was that again? You're looking forward to TEMPT THE DEVIL???!!! Well, don't you hide your light under a bushell. I had no idea! ;-)

    Actually I really appreciate your enthusiasm! You're great. Yes, I know I'm blogging everywhere at the moment. January is even busier. People will be sick of the sight of me. I'll ask what their temptation is and they'll say, "To murder Anna Campbell." Yikes!

    Actually one of the things I really like about the RT reviews is I think they're READER reviews compared to writer reviews. It's hard to put my finger on it, but I think when you're a writer, you look for different things in a book than someone who just enjoys reading romance. Does that make sense? Not that I think writer reviews aren't good too! I still think word of mouth is the best recommendation, though.

    Hey, thanks for the congrats. Less than three weeks to go!

  12. Dina, Happy Holidays right back at you! How interesting that you write blurbs! When I read a review, I also take into account that something appeals to me (marriage of convenience stories, for example) may not appeal to the reviewer. There's a whole big world of readers out there - we can't all like the same thing!

    Virginia, I've noticed your sterling efforts on the Banditas to grab the chook. Sorry he's not proving cooperative. I'm sure he will one day - persistence pays! Actually I enjoy reading people's takes on books on bulletin boards and blogs too. I've picked up some great reading that way.

  13. Michelle, interesting that you're review-proof. I think these days I can find out so much about a book without looking at reviews, they certainly don't count for me the way they did once. Thanks for popping by!

  14. Yes they do determine if I buy a book or not based on if all the reviewers were negative. If enough had a positive response then I will go ahead and buy it.

  15. Interesting, Gina. I find the whole response to reviews thing, fascinating. I must admit that a big negative response to a book will make me wonder if I want to buy it.

  16. Hi Anna,
    Can't wait for the release of "Tempt The Devil." I do read reviews to find out what people think of the book. Bad reviews won't convince me to not pick up the book if I'm already interested in the author or premise.

  17. Jane, I think that's what I'm like (hey, we're agreeing all over the place today - I agreed with your view of travel over on the Bandits!). If I know something about the book or the author that I like, I'll still buy it, no matter whether it gets bad reviews or not. Again, I think it makes it tougher for a new writer. Thanks for popping by!

  18. I do read reviews, but they don't have much bearing on my book purchases. I buy by author and recommendation by friends and family.

  19. Anna, I am really looking forward to Tempt the Devil. Great title and cover, not to mention storyline!

    I do read reviews, and I give them a little bit of weight. For the most part, I go with blogger opinions, excerpts, and my own instincts.

    If I don't "see" you again around the blogs, I want to wish you a merry Christmas abd a blessed holiday season.


  20. Estella, sounds like you go by word of mouth too. Thanks for popping in to say hello!

    Cheryl, as you say, it's all kinds of things that seem to influence to buy a book these days. Hey, Happy Christmas to you too. And thank you for all your support this year! May 2009 be happy, healthy and full of great books.

  21. Hi, Anna!

    Ooh, your devil is sooooo pretty!

    Reviews - yeah, I kinda read them... and then I forget them. Like most people I have auto-buy authors, and for the rest it's word of mouth.

    Congratulations on all of you FABULOUS reviews. And I hope Santa brings you something sweet and luscious for Chrismas!


  22. Hi Michelle, my Aussie mate! Hey, just in case I miss you elsewhere, have a fantastic Christmas and may Santa bring you lots of writing mojo. I know that's what I'm asking for! Thanks for the congrats. I got the hard copy of Romantic Times today and seriously, it's already covered in drool. Hmm, is that an attractive picture? Methinks not!

  23. Hi Anna!

    Your book sounds amazing! Love the cover by the way!

    I like reading reviews but they don't always persuade me to buy a book. It just depends on the plot and if it sounds like something I would enjoy reading.

    Have a blessed Christmas!
