
Monday, December 29, 2008

Looking Back and Forward

I want to thank Lee Hyat for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this blog. Now that the whirl of Christmas is past, it seems a good time to reflect on the past year and the year to come. As a writer, I have much to be thankful for this year. I've seen several new books on the shelves in 2008, including my brand new release, A Man To Rely On. (More about that in a bit.)

Obviously, this has been a year of ups and downs for everyone. My nature is not to dwell on the downs, but I think I also sometimes don't stop to savor the ups enough. So one thing I hope to do in the coming year is to Enjoy Every Blessing — both large and small. A beautiful day? I'm going to get up from my desk and enjoy it — even if I only have time to walk out onto the back deck for a few moments and take a deep a breath. I'm going to take those few moments. A yummy desert? Instead of gobbling it down, I want to savor it. A new sale? Time to break out the champagne!

As for those downs — when bad news or tough times or disappointments come my way, I'm going to focus really hard on all the things that are still going right — even if it's something as small as a good cup of tea to enjoy and a new book (or an old favorite title) that I'm looking forward to reading.

And speaking of books, I read a lot of great books in this past year, but my To Be Read pile still towers, so another goal I have for the new year is to Read More Books. I'm not sure how I'll do it, but I plan to find a way!

On the writing front, I want to continue to Work on Improving My Craft. I'm going to read some new how-to books and review some of the ones I have. I also want to take some classes and workshop. I have over three dozen published books to my name, but I know I still have a lot to learn.

As for the books I've written, I promised to tell you a little about my current release, so here's a little blurb "Marisol Luna returns to her hometown of Cedar Switch, Texas in the aftermath of a sensational trial in which she was acquitted of murdering her basketball superstar husband. Her childhood friend, Scott Redmond, isrebuilding his reputation after a few missteps of his own. She was the woman he couldn't forget. He was the kind of man she'd always wanted. But is love worth all they will have to give up to be together?"

"Cindi Myers' A Man to Rely On (4) is a story about recovering from tragedy. Both Scott and Marisol are dealing with painful pasts, and Myers does a wonderful job depicting their emotions and fears." Romantic Times (4 stars)

You can read an excerpt of the book here.

A Man to Rely On
collected about a dozen rejections as I submitted the story in various formats and guises over the years. It has, in turn, been written as women's fiction, romantic suspense, and finally, as romance. Finally, at Superromance, I knew I'd found the perfect venue of this story about two characters who simply would not leave me alone. Which brings me to my final goal for the new year. I Won't Give Up. Whatever dreams I'm pursuing in the coming months, I won't let a few setbacks or hard times keep me from going after them. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off and take another shot. A Man to Rely On proves that when the timing is right, everything comes together.

What goals or dreams do you plan to pursue in the coming year?

I'm Cindi Myers. You can visit me online here.


  1. I enjoyed reading about your positive thoughts and goals for the new year. Your new book sounds like a wonderful story. I am glad that you didn't give up on it!

    I am hoping to not give up on my own goal of losing weight this year!

  2. Oh Cheri -- I battle my weight, so that's a perpetual goal! Very best of luck to you!

  3. The book sounds really good Cindi has it been released in Australia yet I will be looking for it.
    I love the idea of positive goals we all need them and I really want to find more time to read this year and spend time with my ever growing family if only I could retire from my job I would be so happy.

    Have Fun

  4. Great outlook. l am hoping to start my Masters in Events Management. Best Wishes

  5. Your new book sounds like a great story.
    My goal is to lose 15 lbs in 2009.

  6. Hi Cindi,

    What a wonderful testimonial of your goals and thoughts for the upcoming year. I can't wait for your new book to come out!

    I am hoping to start up exercising again in 2009. I was so busy the last 4 months, I never had time to work out. As a result I have gained weight. Not good!

    Also, I would love to have more time to scrapbook, make cards, work on my craft projects, and write. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to do everything you want to do.

    Many blessings for the New Year!
    Michele L.

  7. Everyone's goals sounds wonderful. I hope you meet them all, or at the very least, enjoy pursuing them. Thank you for sharing!

  8. My goal for 2009 is to get my book blog launched and known. I want people leaving my blog saying "Wow, what a great blog! I definately will be visiting again soon!" I'm hoping that my blog will be fun for everyone and entertaining... I don't want it to be boring. :)

  9. Those are wonderful goals for the new year, Cindi. Some of my goals are to learn to paint, become a better cook, lose ten pounds, and read more books.
    Happy New Year!

  10. Cindi ....I have read "A Man to Rely On" and loved it.

  11. I am going for a healthier life, with better recipes and more exercise.
