
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Countdown to Christmas! - Tessa Radley

10. Today – make a final Christmas list, all those last minute tasks.
9. Last hints for stocking fillers for my TBR pile (I always love Christmas novellas)
8. Put my feet up after going shopping and listen to my favorite Christmas CD.
7. Call my mom thousands of miles away—only a week until Christmas!
6. Bake Christmas cookies—I'll have helping hands. (Why does baking always taste better when someone else does it? I don't even mind the tidy up.)
5. Carols by candlelight – love those!
4. Wrap presents (for sure I'll run out of paper) and put them under the tree…
3. Take the neighbors' a Christmas cake – I have wonderful neighbors.
2. Read "The Night before Christmas" to the whole family in front of a tree lit with flicking lights (yearly ritual).
1. Very special time…Christmas Day!

So what's on your list?

Merry Christmas!



  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Well, we have no list because in the end, everything's done. . . all decorated, just have to wait for Christmas and eat the turkey! :)


  2. Hi Tessa,

    My list is rather short. Just,
    a. buy remaining presents. Almost done!
    b. bake cookies
    c. decorate and put up tree.

    and last but most important,
    celebrate Christmas!

    Merry Christmas Tessa! Many blessings for a fantastic one!

    Michele L.

  3. Hey, Tessa! At this time of year, I live and die by lists too. Did my last Christmas card yesterday which is always a big job out of the way. I hope you and yours have a great Christmas! Anna x

  4. Tessa

    Lists are really good at this time of the year I only have a few more things to do making Christmas puddings is one I have to get done today wrap the presents then I will be able to relax and enjoy the best Christmas I could have been given 2 new grandsons from 2 daughters how lucky am I.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year everyone.

    Have Fun

  5. Decorations are up only thing left to do is buy all the groceries for entertaining

  6. I am afraid to start making a list! I have way too much left to do!

  7. Well, I have already sent out Christmas cards, decorated, and bought the majority of the gifts. So all that's left is to finish the wrapping and do some baking. My mother still makes most of Christmas dinner, but I am in charge of bringing a variety of desserts.

  8. Oh, Lois, wish I were that organised. Enjoy the turkey!

    Michele, well done on getting the shopping done--that's my worst. Cookies are fun...and have a wonderful Christmas.

    Anna wonderful to see you. Can't wait to get my hands on Tempt the Devil--happy list making and merry Christmas.

    Helen, that's wonderul that you make your Christmas puddings. I'm too much of a coward--I buy 'em. But I'm putting that on my list of New Year's resolutions: next year I will bake a Christmas Pudding. Enjoy Christmas with your family.

    Gina, I've actually gotten the decorations up (or rather my darling son did) but I do still have shopping to do...

    LOL, Cheri, I know that feeling. But a making a list actually stops the panic.

    Ooooh, Raven, I love deserts! And congrats on being super-organiZed!

    Merry Christmas all,

    Tessa xxx
