
Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Traditions - Michelle Styles

One of the things I love about the Holiday season is its many and varied traditions. I love the whole idea of renewing acquaintance with my ornaments or attending the Village tree lighting ceremony on the Old Bridge or going to the Village carol service. I also enjoy attending the various productions that my children are involved at this time of year.

One of the great things about the growing cyber space romance community is that I am discovering a bunch of new traditions. From the Writer's Vineyard two month long celebration of Holiday romance books with books extracts to Cheryl St John's Christmas Tree Tour with its many trees garnered from the homes of romance authors and readers alike. The photo at the left is of last year's tree as the painters are still glossing in the sun room. But when this year's tree goes up, I will send my photo in but for now I get a peak at other people's trees.
Donna Alward ahs started a new tradition -- the 12 Days of Christmas where she is looking at 12 different authors and giving away a packet of books. The stories are helping to put me in the holiday even when facedwith exploding light bulbs in the hallway (the electricians are trying to sort but a greenish glow and a popping noise does not bring the holiday spirit!)
Also The Harlequin Historical 15 Christmas yummy treats are making me want to cook despite the house being a mess from the painters!

But my biggest cyber treat is the E-harlequin Open House11 Decemeber. From humble beginnings 7 years ago, the Open House now boast of all day message board (one for each line where the authors are scattered across the time zones) and several live chats. Over a hundred authors are expected to attend and many have donated books and other goodies as posting prizes. It is quite an event and one I make sure that I do not miss.
Does anyone else have cyber holiday traditions?

An early Christmas present for me has been seeing Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife get a book widget. Now, the authors ofthe Passion line are probably used to them but Historical as a general rule of thumb does not have a book widget.
y">The book wideget means that anyone in cyber space can read the front few pages, the first chapter and the last few ending pages (the advertising pages) and in VWUW, this means they have put my historical note about marriage and divorce in Viking times in. As I mostly buy my books based on the blurb, the teaser and the first few pages, I am truly thrilled with this new development .
For my contest this month please send the answer to the following question: What are the names of the hero and heroine of Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife? to If you can please put December Totebag contest in the subject line as I do get a lot of spam. The winner will get their choice of one of my books including VWUW. I will do the draw on 13 December.
I hope everyone has a truly marvellous holiday season...
all the best,
Michelle Styles


  1. Hi Michelle, you are fabulous for this giveaways. I am looking forward to open house on harlequin.

  2. Avi --
    I like doing the giveaways when I have a book out. Ialways think giving away one of my books is better than giving a way a gift certificate or what have you. I like to think people want to try my books...or are looking forward to them..or perhaps want to get one they haven't read.

    And I am glad you are going to the eharlequin open house. It is a great deal of fun. One of the good things is that the authors sometimes get to win books as well.

  3. Congratulations on the release and the widget, Michelle!

  4. Congrats on the new release. I am looking forward to the Harlequin open house. There is a lot of holiday fun going on all over the reader blog sites.


  5. Oh thank Jasmine. It is the little things like widgets that can make a day.

    Cheryl --
    It is one of the great things about the holiday season is seeing how it gets celebrated. I love seeing what people highlight and how they celebrate.

  6. Okay, I think everything has left my brain except Open House!
    I'm scootin' right over.
    Thanks for the Christmas post :-)

  7. Yahoo! another one. Thanks Michelle you can never get tired of your books. I read An Impulsive Debutante from cover to cover in one sitting. Btw will Haakon Haroldson's half brother from Taken by the Viking get his own story?

  8. Thanks Michelle I will be heading over there. I so love finding authors that I haven't read before it is always exciting for me

    Thanks for the chance to win one of your books

    Have Fun

  9. Congrats on your release and your widget. I love it when an author gives away books in contest because it gives you a chance to try different authors. I have found a lot of great authors this way. Some of those I try to get all of there books now.

  10. Congrats on the widget for Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife. Also, thanks for the information about Harlequin's Open House. It really does sound like fun.

  11. Thanks for linking to The Great Christmas Tree Tour 2008! The photos are still coming in! Send to me at

  12. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for the info on the Harlequin Open House. I am going to try and pop in!

    Congratulations on your widget and your book! WOOHOO! That is awesome!

    Have a great Friday!
    Michele L.

  13. I am pleased so many people are going to try to pop into the Open House on 11th Dec.
    And like Virginia and Helen, I love finding new authors. I know I too have found auto buy authors through contests.

    Gina -- Thrand, Haakon's brother gets mentioned in Ivar's story. I know what his HEA is and it depends on what the editors decide.
    I am so pleased you liked AID.

    Cheryl -- As soon as my tree is up (probably next Friday) you are getting a photo...

  14. Thanks so much for this giveaway. I am also looking forward to the open house. Have a happy holiday season. God Bless

  15. Those widgets are neat and congratulatios on the new book. This time of year is a lot of work but it is always a pleasure to open up the boxes of Christmas decorations.
