
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gift for a Year - Tessa Radley

Today's my Mom's birthday. Mothers are special, without question, so it's a special day in my life. There are some rituals for the day. We live a long way from my Mom so I always call early on her Birthday morning—we put the phone on speaker and all sing Happy Birthday.

I've always given books as Birthday gifts but several years ago Mom started to cut down on clutter—and that included books. So now in addition to a couple of things I think she'd like, I always send a wall Calendar for the upcoming year. One of those with big beautiful photos and lots of space on the month at a glance page for her to make notes about her appointments. And I always hope that it will bring us to mind when she looks at the Calendar each day.

I got the idea from a friend who always sends her close friends a desk calendar with inspirational sayings on it every year. This year's calendar was absolutely perfect for a romance writer—it was full of quotes about optimism and love. But my friend said she said she's probably not doing calendars next year—she reckons every one uses e-diaries, gadgets or programs like Palm Pilots or Outlook instead of good old fashioned calendars.

But I love my desk calendar. Each morning I turn the page looking for that bit of inspiration for the day. And my Mom certainly isn't computer literate, so I'm safe sending her a calendar that I hope brightens her day with beauty. Yet I've been wondering lately…do people still use calendars? Or has everyone moved over to the digital year?


Tessa's latest Silhouette Desire, Spaniard's Seduction, is out right now.


  1. Tessa
    Happy Birthday to your Mum

    As for calendars I still use them we have one up that we write all of our appointemnts on it and at work I have a desk calendar and I do love the sayings on them I love to read them.

    Have Fun

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mom, Tessa. I still use paper calanders, l have one in my purse, one on the fridge, and one in the office. I am not a fan of the digital ones.

  3. I still use a calendar. I have one hanging on the wall next to my moniter.

  4. I still use calenders both at work and at home. I have the digital one as well but I just like the traditional ones more.

  5. Hi Tessa,

    Many blessings for a wonderful birthday to your mom!

    My whole family still uses calendars. I love the pictures and sayings. Actually we have calendars everywhere in our house. I buy them for my mom each year. I always get ones that have kitttens on the pictures. She loves cats but can't have one since she is allergic to them and so am I.

    Nope, none of us have moved on to the digital age of palm pilots, etc. yet.

    Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

    Michele L.

  6. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I'm a both type of person. I have a lovely little program that puts a calendar on my desktop (presently right about Gerard Butler as the Phantom's ear LOL) so I always have one staring at me, but I also have a paper one next to me here. I need something to cross off the days with. ;) And even with the calendar right next to the Phantom staring at me, I still look at hanging one more. Must be serious habit that I can't break. :)

    Lois, who has her eye on this lovely 2009 NASA calendar with oh so many space shuttles on it. :)

  7. Hi, Tessa,

    I keep a credit-card sized calendar
    sitting right in front of my monitor.
    I grab it whenever I need to quickly check a date!

    Pat Cochran

  8. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I hope your mom had a good birthday. I still have paper calendars as well, it is easy to have the family one on the fridge

  9. an y winner from roman bandits blog
