
Monday, December 01, 2008

36 Books -- Susanna Carr

That is how many books I read this year. The only reason I'm keeping count is because I'm participating in the 100,000 book challenge.

Honestly, I thought it would be more. It feels like I always have a book in my hands. I can't walk past a bookstore--I always have to go in. My public library is closed for renovations and I swear I'm in withdrawal.

I might be unusual in this circumstance (okay, in a lot of circumstances, but we'll focus on this one). When the receptionist at my dentist office read one of my books, she told me that she only reads a book a year. I couldn't get over my shock.

And you should have seen my face when I was on the airplane to Vegas and the woman next me said she hasn't finished reading a book in years. She starts them but never gets to the end. Granted, there have been a few books that I never finished reading because they weren't to my liking, but every single book?

What about you? How many books do you think you read in a year? Post your answer in the comment section before midnight Pacific Time on Monday, December 1, and I'll randomly pick a name to win a $25 USD gift card to Barnes and Noble. I'll draw the winners name on Tuesday. Good luck!

Update: Wow, you guys read a lot of books! I randomly picked a name from those who commented and Pam P (commenter #4) wins the Barnes and Noble gift card. Pam, please email me your mailing address. You can find my email at Thanks to everyone for blogging with me!


  1. I order all my books online so my count for this year is 107 books. l just love to read

  2. I'm participating in the 100,000 eharlequin book challenge too, Susanna - but I joined late, only about three or four months ago and my tally so far is 24. I'm guessing I've read about three times that amount.

    To only read one book a year... nuh uh. And to never finish a book? I don't think I'd have the heart to start one if that were the case.

  3. I read between 70 and 80 books a year I would say and to my knowledge there have only ever been 2 books that I did not finish even if I am not enjoying a book that much I need to finish to see what happens LOL.
    Have Fun

  4. I wonder why that woman bothers if she never finishes one,Susanna.

    I have a booklist to keep track of what I have and want and some other info. Checking, so far this year, I've read 156, better than the year before at 138.

  5. You know, I've started wondering that myself! I feel like you do-- that I read a lot. But who knows how many I actually read! I'd estimate at least 100 books a year, but I may be way off.

    I think I'll make that my goal for 2009. Keep track of how many books I read each month. It seems that a lot of people are doing it on there blogs this year, and it really sounds like a good idea. I know I definitely seem to buy more than I read. Maybe I should keep 2 separate lists:-)

  6. l read about 60 to 70 books a year

  7. I've been averaging 3 to 4 a month so I'd put it at about 40 books a year.

    Cheryl S.

  8. Anonymous4:53 AM

    oh boy i have to think about this. i think my book count would have to be: i read at least 5 so that would put me around about 235.

  9. Susanna, I'm doing the challenge too and I think I'm on number 57.

    I was aiming for a book a week, so that's not bad. LOL. We had a bit of a crazy year.

    My husband is a non-reader. I've tried finding books he's interested in, but it just doesn't work. Thank goodness my kids ARE readers and some of my books for the challenge are ones we've read together - like Harry Potter!

  10. I'm doing pretty well this year. I think I'll hit 230. Maybe even a few more than that!

  11. I read around 6 books a month on average. So I probably read around 72 books a year.

  12. I keep track of all the books I've read (started back in 2007) and to date I have read 125 books this year. 36 of those being Harlequins.

  13. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I don't do the eharlequin challenge because in the end, I don't think I could ever make sure half of the books I read are Harlequins. . . but thus far for this year according to my little journal, I have read 196 books. I tend to at least always hit around 15 in a month, but sometimes more, like I did towards the beginning of the year! :)


  14. Hi Susanna. My estimation is that I read between 80-100 books a year.

  15. I read an average of 8 per month which is down from 12-15 per month before I started babysitting my grandson. I guess that puts my annual total at roughly 100.

  16. Well this is going to take me doing some math which I am not so good at. I read a new book about every two to three days. So tend to read about 120 books a year, that is if my math is right. I love to read. But that is not really adding in my daughters young adult books that I read before I let her read them and those only take me a couple of hours. I love to read and escape into other worlds.

  17. I read about 1 to 2 books a week so I would guess about 40 books in a year but if I had the time to read more I would.

  18. My reading has been cut way back since I started working again and work 12 hr. shifts. The other 12 hrs. is spent sleeping and getting ready for work again. LOL. This is insane but I read very little right now and my TBR pile is 3 wide and ? deep; yikes!!!

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I think I read somewhere around 60 to 70 a year, but it does very to how much time I have.

  20. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I normally read about 15 books per month, so 180 a year. Wow, I do read a lot! I'm going to try starting in January to keep up with the exact number. Maybe I should join a book challenge too. Is the eharlequin challenge on an annual basis?

    Hugs all! Happy reading!

  21. I've lost count this year. I was good at the beginning of the year blogging on eHarlequin but real life took over and I haven't had time to blog about books in ages. I have a pile of books to be added to my blog. Bad me.

    I have over 20 books to add to my tally.

  22. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I honestly don't know the exact number I've read this year... but I do know the total amount I've read since January of 2007 it's a little over 200... so I'm just gonna say a little over a 100 books a year...

  23. Only one a year - I don't even understand how that's possible. I started keeping track this year and I've realized that I read in spurts, some weekends I do 3 or 4 and sometimes it takes me a week and a half to finish one. I'm averaging about 12 books per month though so by the end of year I'm hoping to hit the 150 mark!

  24. I read about 3-4 books a week so that adds up to at least 175 books on a good year. My entertainment is reading.

  25. I have never actually kept count, but I read a lot now that I am retired. I guess I must have read 140-160 this year.

  26. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I read at least 3 per week and sometimes more and like some here I joined the challenge late.

  27. I read about 2 books per week. I think I read about 100 books per year.

  28. Wow, I couldn't imagine not reading a single book in a year or finishing one either. I've probably read about 75 this year.

  29. I dont have as much time to read as I used to - used to read 3 bks a week; now lucky if I get one read. So I will say 35 or so.

  30. I read appx. a book a day, so would estimate I have read over 300 to date.

  31. Although I am somewhat doing the Challenge also I have not even gotten close to logging all the books I read in a year. I have logged 148 books but I have read closer to 600. But then I am retired and have a lot of time to read.

  32. Hi Susanna,

    Hmmmmmm, never really counted then, lol, I'll say 40-50, it depends how much free time I have. ;)

  33. hope not oto late

    i read between 50 to 100books a year. i get most from teh library

  34. I've never stopped and actually counted. But I'd say about 200. I don't watch a lot of TV. I have books everywhere. So I always read while I wait for someone. Books are getting pricey now,so I may have to start going to the library.

  35. I keep track of the books I've read to avoid the dreaded buying duplicate books but I've never kept track of the actual number read. I think I'll make that a project for 2009. Will the eharlequin book challenge be continued next year?

    I usually have at least 1 paper book, 3 audio books (car/house/mp3 player) and 2 ebooks going at any time. Averaging out time to finish I would hazard a guess of about 100 a year. Should be interesting to see how that number holds up with the real count at the end of next year.

    Like you, there are books I've never finished when I just couldn't get into them, but that happens very rarely. To never finish a book would indicate to me a severe attention deficit problem!

  36. I have to admit I don't read as much as I did before blogging. I have to admit since I started last spring blogging, if you could put it in a book, it might add up to two books, I blog a lot. I do love to read.

  37. I would have to say I read anywhere from 100 to 200 books a year. Sometimes I read a book in 2 or 3 days. Other times it will take me 1 or 2 weeks depending how many pages there are.

  38. Thanks, Susana, more books to read!!
