
Friday, October 24, 2008

You Can't Go Home Again...Or Can You?

That’s what they say, but I just realized something: I don’t believe that. In fact, I’m kind of obsessed lately with the idea of a “do over.” In my books, I love to send my characters back to a place they’d thought they’d left behind forever...and make them deal with the consequences. So far, I’ve sent a showgirl to her former hometown to claim an inheritance that’s under dispute by the local bad boy (Josie Day Is Coming Home. I’ve booted a down-on-her-luck fashion stylist from Hollywood and sent her to the snowy Midwest to deal with a hunky former pro-football player while she rebuilds her career (Home For The Holidays). And right now, I’m sending a runaway witch back to her old magical stomping grounds to learn about...whoops! That’s my work-in-progress, and it’s top secret until I turn in the manuscript.

Ahem. Moving on... In a similar vein, I’ve also reunited a few ex-lovers in my books (Reconsidering Riley, The Honeymoon Hoax, Her Best Man, My Best Friend's Baby). Because if you ask me, a lovers’ reunion is just another version of returning home again. After all, these people are truly meant for one another. What’s more of a homecoming than returning to the arms of someone you loved (and lost)? I’m crazy about the idea that everyone deserves a second chance...and would rise to the occasion if that second chance ever arrived.

Which is weird, actually. When I’m not wearing my author hat, I’m a very forward-looking person. If I could go back and change anything in my life, I wouldn’t do it. Period. I’m happy where I am now. But my poor characters don’t have that option! They have to go where I send them. And I have to admit...they cope admirably with the challenges they face, right up to their (much deserved) happily-ever-after endings. So why am I so obsessed with filling my stories with “do over” scenarios? It’s anyone’s guess. But as long as I keep finding interesting ways to refute Thomas Wolfe (at least some of the time), I think I’ll keep it up.

So... Do YOU believe in second chances? Would YOU like to have a “do over” of your own? Let’s discuss!


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Bestselling author Lisa Plumley has written more than two dozen books for Zebra Books and Harlequin Historicals, including contemporary romances (Home For The Holidays, new!), western historical romances (Hallowe'en Husbands, in stores now!), and stories in romance anthologies (Santa Baby, reissued!). Her funny, warmhearted style has been likened to such reader favorites as Rachel Gibson, Jennifer Crusie, and LaVyrle Spencer, but her unique characterization is all her own. Please visit Lisa at, be her friend on MySpace or Facebook, or drop by her personal blog today!


  1. I believe in giving second chances, so yes. However, do overs....personally not for me as I was blessed in my marriage to an incredible man and from that came two wonderful children Chris and Keri and I had my dream job working for a major cruise line, so no do-overs for this girl.

    Loved your post and I really enjoy reading about people returning to their hometowns.

  2. I also believe in giving second chances.
    I personally, do not want a do over. I am happily married with 4 children and 4 granchildren. I like life just the way it is.

  3. Hi Marilyn! It's nice to see you here. It sounds as though you really are blessed. That's wonderful!

    Hello Estella! Thanks for dropping by to read my post. I really appreciate that. You sound very lucky too!

    Thanks for having me here at Tote Bags 'N' Blogs! I always love visiting. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

  4. I definitely believe in giving second chances but... I also believe there are those who take advantage of people like me.

  5. Kim, thanks for posting! I know what you mean. I try to believe in people's better nature. Most of the time I'm happily surprised!

  6. I too believe in second chances but I am very lucky and have a wonderful husband 4 children two grandchildren and two more on the way not sure whether I would like to make over much in my life.

    Have FUn

  7. Hi Helen! Thanks for visiting, and congratulations on your grandchildren! That must be wonderful. :)

    Thanks, everyone, for having me here. It's been fun!

  8. Hi Lisa!

    Nice to have you here! I believe in second chances also. I had a career in Architecture but got laid off after 18 years there.

    Now I work at an office/art supply store and absolutely love it! I have always loved art and now I am in heaven! I get to see all the new products as they come in.

    To go back home again is sometimes a real blessing. My job is only 10 minutes away from where I live. My hubby and I are able to spend a lot of time together. Where as before I was working so much, plus overtime, we rarely saw each other.

    Wonderful post!
    Have a great week!
    Michele L.
