
Friday, October 10, 2008

Life on Mars

I started watching the American version of the TV show Life on Mars last night. It was good. Whether it will be as good as its British predecessor, which my husband and I loved so much we actually felt disloyal watching this one, remains to be seen.

But it's a great reason to talk about music in television shows. Both versions of the show use this song by David Bowie to great effect:

I'd never heard this song before. Now, thanks to this show, it's been stuck in my head for months. Months!! Right now, even!!

What songs snuck into your life through the television, for good or ill?

(And don't get me started on what Gossip Girl's music producer has done to me...)


  1. Megan,

    Just had to post about this! Loved 'Live on Mars'. What a terrific concept for a show. I'm wondering how the adaptation will work. I'm always worried about remakes of great shows.

    Thanks for sharing the film clip - I haven't seen it in a while - DB in one of his colourful phases. Can I admit that my dh has this song on...vinyl! So when the TV show came on the music made it seem particularly familiar to us.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. I recorded Life on Mars to watch later. I haven't seen the original, but I can imagine that it would be weird watching an "Americanized" version of a fave show.

    I have discovered many songs and artists I might have missed if not for television. I don't listen to the radio that much (I use my iPod) so tv is where I hear a lot of new-to-me songs and old favorites.

    I enjoy how the tv show "Cold Case" uses musics from each case's era throughout each show depending on what year the crime occurred. It's really interesting to hear music from the different decades.

  3. I haven't seen that David Bowie clip for a long time either and I too have that on vinyl.

    The music from CSI Who Are You The Who sticks in my mind constantly after watching the show I do enjoy it thought.

    As for the TV show Live On Mars I haven't seen the show at all I will watch out for it.

    Have Fun

  4. Ah, David Bowie - the only man I would leave David Boreanaz for! I haven't watched Life on Mars but I do love this song!!!!

    I can't think of any tv shows that got me hooked on songs but I'm a sucker for Movie soundtracks - the one from Clueless is my all time favorite (with Pretty in Pink not far behind!!!!)

  5. Oh my, I have had many a song stuck in my head. Commercials like the ones advertising United Airlines which plays Rhapsody in Blue. There was another commercial now, (can't remember which car company) but it had a very hip song with a heavy beat. That stuck in my head for days.

    Oh remember the "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, Oh, what a relief it is." from the Pepto-Bismo commercials?

    I remember watching the Lion King and the title song, "The Circle of Life" sung by Elton John, stuck in my head for days. There have been so many others but can't remember them all.

    Michele L.
