
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Bronwyn Jameson is Appreciating Spring

This morning I picked up my alphasmart (a battery-operated word processor) and headed out into the garden to write this blog. At my side is a list of possible topics...which I have decided to ignore. Instead I am taking time out to enjoy this perfect spring day.

The earth smells damp from last night's soft rain, the trees are alive with birdsong, bees are making busy in the rock rose and lavender, and the irises have burst into bloom. I'm sure there have been other beautiful days through September--it's certainly been mild enough--but none that I have noticed. None that I've taken the time to sit and appreciate, and so that is how I've decided to spend my Sunday morning.

I will do nothing more strenuous than pulling a few weeds and whisking the batter to make banana pancakes for brunch. Later I will bring my book outside. I'm reading a gently nostalgic story about the importance of family bonds, and about how we can lose understanding of our family if we don't take the time to sit and talk and listen. It's a story of hope and rejuvenation, simply and warmly told, and that seems like the perfect read on a day like today.

I don't know about you, but I don't spend enough time just sitting, appreciating, being.

How are you spending your weekend?

As well as smelling the flowers, this spring Bronwyn is enjoying the reissue of her first two books for Silhouette Desire, In Bed With the Boss's Daughter and Addicted To Nick, out in Australia as a Bestseller's Collection.


  1. Lovely post.

    I am spending my weekend relaxing and reading. Yesterday I went to a big booksigning and today I am catching up on e-mails and books.

  2. That sounds wonderful. I'm spending my weekend catching up on housework since we were gone last weekend and things have piled up but I do reward myself with some reading time in between cleaning projects.

  3. I am spending my weekend reading and watching football.

  4. I'm spending my weekend reading and cleaning house and grocery shopping.

  5. So happy to hear that you are all finding time to fit in some reading between housework, football games and grocery shopping. I reckon with all that work, you deserve the reward of a good book!

    Thanks for commenting,

  6. Hi Bronwyn! It's so wild to think of you having spring, just as the leaves are falling and it's getting colder here! How cold does winter get where you live?

    I spent the weekend going to the pumpkin patch with my kids, then decorating the house for Halloween. :)


  7. Hey, Bron, congratulations on the release of the double! I LOVE those stories and now a whole new audience has a chance to discover them.

    It's nice to have warmer weather, isn't it? I've been swimming which I miss during the colder months. Sadly, it also looks like the bushfire season has started, at least up our way. Sigh. Or perhaps cough...

  8. Hi Jennie. Loved your pics from AMBA; much envy happening here. I love London, let alone the chance to meet up and talk writing and books!

    Our winters would hardly register on your coldometer, I imagine. We get some frosts, so a few degress below freezing, but no snow. Lately (this century) we've not got much rain either so days with lovely damp earth are very special.


  9. Thanks, Anna, for the lovely words about my first books. It's such fun to have a reissue and the cover is just lovely.

    Swimming already? I should not be surprised as it was warm enough everywhere last week for a dip. Sorry to hear you are in fire season already. Too early for that!


  10. Hi Bronwyn,

    It is fall here where I live in Indiana. I sure wish it was spring arriving! I dreading our winter coming. They say we are going to have a harsh one.

    My weekend will be busy with work, taking care of my mom and setting up physical therapy for her. She has fallen several times in the past month. Also, I am getting her a live-in companion which should help tremendously.

    Have a wonderful week!
    Michele L.
