
Sunday, August 24, 2008

When a Cover Works

We all know what a wrong cover looks like. The one where the man and the woman on it look nothing like the characters the author created. Or there is an extra arm there. The colors make the hero look orange. The hero looks like a bad version of Donald Trump.

But when a cover works, like this one for my new book, Tempted by the Night, all the right elements converge together like a perfect storm.

When I was asked (and yes, authors are asked what they would like on the cover--they don't always listen, but it is nice to be asked), I suggested a moonlit scene, because the bulk of the story happens at night. I had seen a Harry Potter movie poster that I thought was brilliant--just Harry in the moonlight with a sword in his hand. And I wanted the same dark, desperate, passionate mood on my cover.

Yet the art department and the artist took another view, and put the couple together here, on the dark streets of London, in this fabulous, desperate embrace, as if this is their first and only kiss. And boy, are they going to make it a good one. While murky darkness surrounds them, together they glow. She is his light.

It captures Hermione's and Rockhurst's relationship perfectly. Like I said, when it works . . . But you'll have to tell me if it fits the story. Tempted by the Night goes on sale Tuesday, August 26th. Get a copy and let me know if the cover and the story work for you.

In the meantime, what is your idea of a perfect cover?

BTW, I'm having a contest over on my blog to win a box of goodies from the RWA conference. Drop by, comment before Monday noon, and you could win!


  1. I totally agree with you on this that the cover should reflect the theme of the book. I will look at the cover while reading about the physical descriptions of the H/H. If the cover doesn't match the description, it tends to be a turn-off.

    I like it when all the books in a series carry a similar theme such as the covers of Candice Hern's 'Merry Widow' trilogy. While not really depicting the heroine, they were distinctive and beautiful and not often seen on paperback book covers.

    The cover on TBTN works for me too. Can't wait to get my copy.

  2. Firstly Elizabeth I have ordered your book and can't wait to read it.
    I love the cover and I do love a cover with a couple on it in a nice pose and I love the different colours that they use. I agree that the models on the front covers should be a bit like the hero and heroine in the story.

    Have Fun

  3. It depends on the cover for me, sometimes I like it enough to just pick up the book.

  4. Beautiful cover! A book's cover is so important. When I am browsing the bookshelves, the cover is what gets my attention first.

  5. I thought this cover was great for all the reasons each of you listed. Caught the couple, the mood, the story. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. I like a cover that reflects the physical attributes of the characters and is relevant to the story. I also prefer covers where the models have their clothes on. I want a story about people, not just washboard abs.

    Besides, the Regency clothes are so gorgeous, I want to look at them. Sometimes I've bought a book because I liked the cover.

  7. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I love your cover. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and for me the cover is what gets my attention first. If it looks interesting then I will read the blurb on the back.

    I like it when the cover looks like it could be a scene out of the book. I don't like it when the people on the cover don't match the background, such as a person with a supersized flower behind them.
