
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Achievements and a cry for help... - Christina Hollis

San Francisco looks to have been a blast! I really wanted to go, but flying all that way was a challenge too far. Trying to write books doesn’t worry me at all – but flying is another matter. It would be a great achievement if I could overcome that fear, so I’ll have to work on it. It would be wonderful to make the next venue.

I’ve had plenty of work to keep me busy while I’ve been stuck at home. Revising my latest manuscript was top of the list. When doing that, it’s amazing how useful reader input is. My books are like babies to me. I’m so close to them it’s impossible to have an objective view! Once all the suggestions have been incorporated and the manuscript is as good as I can make it, off it goes into the big scary world (another moment when books resemble children).

When you’ve been working with one gorgeous guy for so long it’s hard to say goodbye, but today I waved a fond farewell to Alessandro Castiglione. He has charmed and infuriated me by turns as I tried to get his story exactly right.

Now for the challenge of casting my next hero! It’s an exciting time. There are all sorts of possible models, including a guy I saw on a TV documentary the other night. I’ll be raiding my notebooks and surfing the Internet looking for inspiration, but before I begin there’s going to be a bit of ‘me’ time to celebrate the achievement of actually finishing my latest book, which is called The Tuscan Tycoon’s Pregnant Housekeeper. The children have arranged a special (and very fattening!) treat for tea. My daughter used her pocket money to buy me a box of Ferrero Rocher, while Son Number One made and iced some sponge cakes (with a bit of help). They’re lovely children - I’m so proud of them, and think they’re my greatest achievement.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Right now I’d settle for a better understanding of the Internet. When I clicked on ‘Christina Hollis’ on the Mills and Boon site, it’s sadly in need of biographical notes – they must be floating somewhere in cyberspace! If you visit my blog at, you’ll find a mini competition, asking for your tips and hints on using the web. I’d love to hear from you!



  1. Oh, that flying is a tough one. I'm not too fond of it myself and I feel I'm depriving my children every year of two decent weeks in the sun because of the nerves I suffer as a result. I keep promising that next year is the year I just board the plane and get on with it. We'll see!
    Your children sound very sweet and any child that saves pocket money to buy chocolates gets my thumbs up. (chocolate for their mother I mean!).
    I like to write in spare time and what I do write is purely for my own pleasure but I can totally relate to seeing books as though they are babies. Obviously I'm not a published writer but I think writing is definitely like rearing children; not always easy but always rewarding.
    And yes, my greatest achievement, undoubtedly is my children. All four of them make me proud.


  2. Oh, my goodness, you surely do not want my aid with internet questions!
    My method of clearing up problems
    is to yell "Honey!" He's my go-to
    guy when my computer goes crazy!

    Pat Cochran

  3. Four children? That sounds great fun, Aideen. I'd have loved more, but sadly it wasn't to be. And that's the same way I use my computer, Pat - sometimes my OH spends more time sitting in this hot seat than I do!

  4. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The internet is something else. Just when I've learned what I need to know they add something else to it.
