
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Reader Reviews - Lee Hyat

I have great news! Susan Mallery hit the NYT list at #20 with SWEET TALK, the first book in her fabulous Bakery Series! YAY Susan!!

If you've got sisters (or even close cousins) this is a series you've got to read. I know it's totally biased coming from me (after all, she's a client!) but honestly, if you enjoy contemporary romance and you pick up these books, you'll have a good time reading them.

Is there anything sweeter than a first love?

Don’t ask Claire Keyes. The twenty-eight-year old piano prodigy has never had a regular boyfriend, much less a real romance. Her music career has left little room for friends or family — which is just part of the reason she’s estranged from her two sisters.
But now Nicole is sick, and Jesse is AWOL. Despite the fact that Claire can’t boil water, she’s determined to play caretaker. Connecting with her sisters tops her to-do list….along with falling in love, or at least in lust, for the first time.

Ambitious? Maybe. But a girl’s gotta dream. And ruggedly sexy Wyatt is a dream come true. Although he keeps telling himself that he and Claire come from entirely different worlds, he lights up hotter than a bakery oven whenever Claire is near. If this keeps up, she just might sweet-talk him into her bed….and her life.

So, the real reason for this post.... If you've got a blog and you think you'd like to read and review this book on your blog, I'd like to send you an advance reading copy.

Here's how you can qualify -

Send me an email with your full name and mailing address
Please include a link to your blog so I can check it out.
If your name is chosen, you'll receive a arc for SWEET TALK.
If you can write a post about the book on your blog within 3 weeks of receiving it and send me a link to the review, I'll put your name down to receive future titles for review as well, (while supplies last) if you're inerested!

If you've already read the book or you want to read the book, you're welcome to comment here -- but just so we're clear, I'll only be picking names from the emails I receive. :)



  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I already have the first one, and got my coupon from Borders so hopefully I'll get the second soon. . . and can't wait for the third one to come out so I can start reading them! :) (When a series comes out like this one month after another, I like saving them to read them all through at the same time. . . it just means there's a lot of waiting to do! LOL) But I'm sure I'm going to like these, I finally got the last Buchanan book last month, two months ago (not quite sure now LOL), and I still miss that family, so I need a new one to read! :)


  2. Hi Lee,

    I have not read the 1st book, but would love to read this, so I'll send you an email.


  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Wish I had a blog. LOL I can't wait to read this one.I have a myspace blog does that count?

  4. Sweet Talk looks great :)

  5. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I can't wait to read these books. They sound great and since I love baking maybe they will give be some new ideas to try out.
