
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fan Girl Moments

Are you a fan girl? I’m spending this week at the RWA National Writers Conference and it’s like fan girl heaven for me. So many authors whose writing I adore will be here. It’s like the greatest place on earth if you’re an avid romance reader. You never know who you’ll ride in the elevator with, or which awesome author will be in line next to you at registration.

I ran into a friend at the registration desk my first day here. This is her first conference and she thought she was all set. Right up until she was in line next to Nora. Then she got the whole giddy fan girl thing going on. I can totally relate since my first conference sighting of Nora included a tacky squeal of “OMG.” I quickly learned not to be quite so enthusiastic in my admiration. Or at least not as loud.

This inspired me to come up with my Top Three Fan Girl Tips

· Don’t gush. Polite admiration is always good, but sloppy gushing can get scary.
· Stalking is frowned upon.
· Autographs rock. Favors not so much.

I’m lucky to write for a line and house that is filled with authors I love. So far my favorite fan girl moments have been riding in the elevator with Blaze authors, the lit signing with my awesome CP, Beth Andrews signing her debut book, the Romance Bandits Party and rubbing Terri Garey’s double RITA pins. Its only Wednesday night, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

How about you? Do you have fan girl moments you want to share? Who would you LOVE to meet?


  1. Tawny sounds like you are having fun.

    I have been lucky enough to meet Anna Campbell and Stephanie Laurens I was so shy when talking to Stephanie I was scared I would make a fool of myself and didn't say much at all and she is such a lovely lady and autographed all the books I had taken with me.
    When I met Anna she was doing a talk at a local library and she just made me feel so comfortable that I chatted for a while and I will be seeing Anna again in October with Annie West and I am really looking forward to it I hope I can stay calm.

    Have Fun

  2. Hi Helen!! :-)

    Anna Campbell is wonderful, isn't she? And she's so fun its hard to feel like you're having a fan girl moment because there is no intimidation at all LOL.

    I'll admit, I've been writing for Blaze for a couple years but just riding in the elevator with my favorite Blaze authors sends me into total fan girl mode.

    I hope you have a fabulous time meeting Annie West!

  3. It sounds amazing... It would be great to be able to get some books signed!

    I would love to meet... OMG, so many authors!
    I have to J.A. Krentz as I am a huge fan of all her books.

  4. Hello, Tawny,

    There are so many authors I would want to meet, but the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Lair would be high
    up on the list! Adding in such
    names as Macomber, Laurens, Chase,
    Roberts and all the rest that I love
    to read, I could spend the rest of
    my life just meeting authors!

    Pat Cochran

  5. As I would love to meet every living author I have read the lsit would be too long to put here. Suffice to say I admire them all and wish I could tell them that in person.

    In the meantime I will jsut have to make do with having a budding author in my own home (in the form of my talented daughter):D

  6. I would not know where to put my head... so many authors I love at the same place!

  7. Lily & Nathalie, it is like overload sometimes. Just the literacy signing alone is a slice of heaven.

  8. Pat - we'd SO totally love to meet you, too :-) The lair is so fun, isn't it, and the BB are one of the major reasons!

  9. Ilona, that is so wonderful that your daughter writes! I love seeing that talent nurtured in children. They are so wondefully imaginative in ways we adults have to work to regain.
