
Monday, June 02, 2008

Book Buzz - Susanna Carr

This week I'm going to the Lori Foster and Dianne Castell Get Together in Cincinnati, Ohio. I haven't started packing but I already have my books tucked away in my bag. (Doesn't this show where my priorities are?) I picked these books because they have received a lot of positive buzz. Strangely, they are all historicals! Which books am I taking on my trip to read?

The Spymaster's Lady by Joanne Bourne

Your Scandalous Ways by Loretta Chase

Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas

Have you read these books yet? Any other books you picked up because you've heard the buzz?



  1. I've read The Spymaster's Lady and I really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to getting the new Loretta Chase book this week.

  2. I have not read any of the three
    books you listed, but I am adding
    them to my to-be-purchased list. I
    have a trip scheduled to the book
    store for the weekend and you would
    not believe how long it is!!

    Pat Cochran

  3. I haven't read any of these yet, but I hope to soon. I started reading Colleen Gleason's Gardella Vampire Chronicles after hearing about on various blogs. Have fun in Ohio.

  4. I was hoping to make this my 1st book event, but I am not able to go. Maybe I'll make another one.

    Have fun.

    I do have Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas, it is in my TBR pile. :)

  5. Sorry but I haven't read these books yet. I have heard about how good they are too! I am definitely purchasing all 3 of them!

    I love the cover of your new book! Very sexy and eye catching! I absolutely enjoyed your book, BAD GIRL BRIDESMAIDS!

    I have purchased so many books lately! BODY MOVERS:2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE by Stephanie Bond. I loved her first one, BODY MOVERS. She already has a third one out in this series.

    Also, Charlaine Harris' books were recommended and I picked up the first one in the Southern Vampire series, DEAD UNTIL DARK, and it was fabulous!

    Shana Abe's books, THE DREAM THIEF, THE SMOKE THIEF, and QUEEN OF DRAGONS is incredible! Romance, action, adventure, and historical all at the same time!

    Melis L.

  6. I haven't read any of the books either. I do want to buy Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas though.

  7. I bought Red Hot and Royal, can't wait to read it!!!!!
