
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ten Questions -- Win a Book!

Because my website is down while I redo it, I was planning to blog about technology and computers and my lack of enthusiasm for both. Then I read Holly's blog about living with happiness and I just couldn't be a Ms. Grouchy Gripes after that. (Hollyanna frequently makes me feel that way. Which is a Good Thing. Like Life. And Holly. *G*)

Not much makes me happier than reading a good book. Unless it's writing one. :::fingers crossed that's the case more than not:::

But what's even better than a good book? Easy: a good FREE book!

Answer the ten questions below and you'll be entered in a drawing for a copy of my upcoming Harlequin Superrromance NOBODY'S HERO (July 08). I'll return after the weekend to announce the winner's name at the end of this blog post, so be sure to check back as I'll need an email from the winner with her address.

1. Thrillers or romantic comedies?
2. Paranormal, historical or contemporary?
3. Romance or Chick Lit?
4. P.I. or military?
5. Horses or sports cars?
6. Glamorous heroine or everyday gal?
7. Pure fantasy or slice of life?
8. Alpha or Beta?
9. Battling wits or emotional splits?
10. Cover preference:
Hero shot or couple's clinch?

* * * * *

Thanks for sharing your opinions.


VIRGINIA is the winner of the drawing for a copy of NOBODY'S HERO. Congratulations, Virginia! Please email me at to claim your prize. :-)

When she isn't battling technology, Carrie Alexander is the award-winning author of over 35 books published by Harlequin and St. Martin's Press. She can currently be found dancing in the sunshine after surviving the Winter That Would Not End.


  1. 1. romantic comedies
    2. contemporary
    3. Romance
    4. military
    5. Horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    8. Alpha
    9. emotional splits
    10. Hero shot

  2. 1. Thrillers
    2. Historicals
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. Horses
    6. Everyday gal
    7. Slice of life
    8. Alpha
    9. Battling wits
    10. Hero shot

  3. 1. Thrillers
    2. Contemporary
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. Horses
    6. Everyday gal
    7. Slice of life
    8. Alpha
    9. Battling wits
    10. Hero shot

  4. 1. Romantic Comedies
    2. Paranormal
    3. Romance
    4. Military
    5. Sports Cars
    6. Everyday Girl
    7. Pure Fantasy
    8. Alpha
    9. Emotional Splits
    10. Hero Shot

    *Notes that so far we all love Romance, Everyday Girl, Alpha and the Hero Shot :D

  5. 1. Thrillers
    2. Paranormal
    3. Romance
    4. Military
    5. Sports cars
    6. Everyday gal
    7. Slice of life
    8. Alpha
    9. Battling wits
    10. Couple's clinch

  6. 1. romantic comedies
    2. historical
    3. romance
    4. P.I.
    5. horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    8. alpha
    9. battling wits
    10.couple's clinch

    Thanks for the FUN contest!

  7. Anonymous3:07 PM

    1. Thrillers or romantic comedies? Thrillers, but depends on the mood.
    2. Paranormal, historical or contemporary? historical
    3. Romance or Chick Lit? Romance
    4. P.I. or military? P.I.
    5. Horses or sports cars? sports cars
    6. Glamorous heroine or everyday gal? everyday gal
    7. Pure fantasy or slice of life? slice of life
    8. Alpha or Beta? Alpha
    9. Battling wits or emotional splits? emotional splits
    10. Cover preference: Hero shot
    Hero shot or couple's clinch?

  8. Nice cover. :)

    1. romantic comedies
    2. Paranormal,
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. Horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. Pure fantasy
    8. Alpha
    9. Battling wits
    10.Hero shot

  9. 1) romantic comedies
    2) contemporary
    3) Romance
    4) Military
    5) Sports cars
    6) everyday gal
    7) slice of life
    8) Alpha
    9) emotional splits
    10) hero shot

  10. 1. Thrillers or romantic comedies? both
    2. Paranormal and contemporary although I have started reading historicals again
    3. Romance
    4. P.I. or military - either
    5. Horses or sports cars - either
    6. everyday gal?
    7. Pure fantasy or slice of life - deepends on my mood
    8. More alpha than beta but not always
    9. Battling wits or emotional splits - both
    10. hero shots

  11. 1 Romantic comedies, a little thrill could be included :)
    2 Paranormal, contemporary
    3 Romance
    4 Both
    5 Sports Cars
    6 Everyday gal
    7 Pure fantasy
    8 Alpha with a beta center
    9 Battling wits
    10 Hero Shot

  12. 1. romantic comedies
    2. contemporary
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. Horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    8. Alpha
    9. Battling wits
    10. Hero shot

  13. 1. Romantic comedies
    2. Historical
    3. Romance
    4. Military
    5. Horses
    6. Everyday gal
    7. Slice of life
    8. Combination alpha/beta
    9. Battling wits
    10.Hero shot

    Pat Cochran

  14. 1. Thrillers
    2. Paranormal, historical - both equally
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. sports cars
    6. everyday gal
    7. Pure fantasy
    8. Alpha or
    9. Battling wits
    10. Hero

  15. 1.Thrillers
    6.Everyday Gal
    7.Slice of Life
    9.Battling Wits
    10.Hero Shot

  16. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Ooh, this looks easy! :)

    1. romantic comedies
    2. historical or contemporary
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. Horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    8. both
    9. Battling wits
    10. well, both do have the hero in them ;) hero shot

  17. 1. thrillers
    2. contemporary
    3. romance
    4. military
    5. horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    8. alpha
    9. battling wits
    10. couple's clinch

  18. 1. Thrillers
    2. historical
    3. Romance
    4. P.I.
    5. Horses
    6. everyday gal
    7. Pure fantasy
    8. Alpha
    9. Battling wits
    10.couple's clinch

  19. 1. romantic comedies
    2. contemporary
    3. romance
    4. P.I.
    5. sports car
    6. everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    8. beta (alpha or beta, men are sweet treats!)
    9. battling wits
    10. hero shot (thanks for putting a shirt on him!)

  20. 1.Romantic comedies
    2. Contemporary
    6.everyday gal
    7. slice of life
    9. emotional splits
    10.Hero shot

  21. Like the cover! Sexy guy!
    1. Definitely romantic comedies!
    2. Contemporary
    3. Romance or Chic Lit? I love them both! O.k. I will chose one but this is really tough, romance.
    4. P.I. guys are hot!
    5. Sports Cars, yeah!
    6. Everyday gal, we all can relate to her.
    7. Slice of life
    8. Alpha, love em!
    9. Battling wits
    10. Hero shot, for sure!

    Melis L.

  22. 1. Definitely romantic comedies
    2. Ohhh I love all three equally!
    3. romance!
    4. military - I love those uniforms
    5. I love both- so... I really can't choose- horses would win over race cars though
    6. I have to admit, I prefer the everyday gal - she's much more relatable
    7. I like both equally - slice of life is normally nice, but pure fantasy offers a nice escape
    7. alpha!
    8. both - though wits might win a bit more
    10. I like both - I'm currently really into the artistic covers

  23. Thanks to everyone for your answers! It's clear that the everyday girl and the hero shot were most popular, along with romance over chick lit. surprise there! LOL. I also liked seeing how many of you voted for romantic comedies--maybe they'll make a strong comeback.

    And the winner of NOBODY'S HERO is VIRGINIA! Please email me at and we'll make arrangements.
