
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sandra Marton: Home from Dallas!

I just returned home from the Romance Writers of America conference in Dallas, Texas. What fun! Imagine a huge hotel filled with people who love the romance genre: writers, readers, editors, agents... it was truly a wonderful experience.

I signed books at RWA's Literacy Signing , signed more books--hundreds of them--at Harlequin's special Forty Authors Signing. I had a dinner to die for in an incredibly elegant restaurant with Presents editors Tessa Shapcott and Kim Young; a wonderful lunch in a charming restaurant with Toronto Special Projects editor Marsha Zinberg; breakfasts and lunches, coffees and drinks with writers who are long-cherished friends and others who are new friends. I gave a workshop with Tessa and Kim and had the chance to meet writers eager to sell to Harlequin Presents.

The HMB (that's Harlequin Mills and Boon Ltd) writers got together for our annual Pizza Party.We were from all around the world: the USA, England, Australia, Egypt. We met in my room, sat on the floor, ate pizza, drank wine, munched on delicious baklava, laughed and talked and laughed and talked...

The next morning, as I left my room, the woman in the next room also left hers.

"You had some party last night," she said, with no readable expression on her face. I gulped and said, uh, yes, that was true...

And she laughed and said it had sounded like lots of fun.

She was absolutely right. It was.



  1. It sounds like you had a blast! I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that room at the Pizza Party.

    Could you drop some names? I love the Harlequin Presents line and would love to know who the authors in that room were.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time. :)

  3. It was great, Crystal!

    Sue, the Presents authors at the conference were new author Jennie Lucas, Jane Porter and me. Jane had an appointment that night and couldn't join us but Jennie was there as were several HMB authors from other HMB imprints: Trish Wylie (Modern X), Fiona Harper (Romance), Jenna Bayley-Burke (Mod X), Carol Grace (Romance), Melissa McClone (Romance), Marion Lennox (Romance & Medical), Olivia Gates (Medical)... I might be leaving someone out. If I am, I'll come back and add the name(s).

    We Presents authors intend to have a HUGE showing at RWA next year, in San Francisco!

  4. What a grand time you had! Wow what a wonderful gathering of authors! I can just imagine the flow of conversation that night!


  5. Oh gosh, even more party and conference news! I'm so jealous of all the pics and stories I've been seeing! LOL :) Just love them all! :)


  6. Sounded like lots of fun. Would love to go to one of those conferences someday. Probably won't be for awhile since I have a 9 month old baby girl and a 4 year old boy. It's fun to hear from others what it is like. Thanks for sharing.

  7. It sound's like you had a lot of fun. The present line is one of my favorite romance lines. Lot's of great authors and books
