
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sandy Blair says We Love it, But...

We’re downsizing. Our home is on the market so instead of writing I’ve been out straight with painters, decorators, appliance installers and all manner of beasts who make messes wherever they go.

Worse, being the seller in a “buyer’s” market is much akin to being an author. Rejection becomes part of your everyday life. While someone looks at your “baby,” you hope, you pray and then you get those 4 dreaded words, “We loved it, but…”

In the case of a book, the but might come in the form of “we just bought a similar plot,” or “there wasn’t enough emotional depth.” In the case of this house, the but(s) amounted to “it’s too formal,” “it’s too white”, and “it needs updated appliances.”

Our agent has been as kind as can be—as any agent or editor worth the name should be—when delivering the bad news, but it still hurts.

So, like any good author--or desperate home owner—I went into revision mode. I took what the buyers said to heart, made some changes on my own then called in a “young” decorator. One whose taste would hopefully shout from my lofty 24 ft ceilings, “Hey, I’m hip and trendy.”

Five serious digits later, we now have an all stainless steel kitchen with built in wine cooler, new light fixtures, textured walls, fresh paint in colors that would make any coffee shop proud (Toffee crunch, Cocoa Latte, Espresso bean), not to mention the furniture has been rearrange to such a degree that we don’t dare walk around without a light on for fear of killing ourselves. Yes, neither Scott not I recognize the place.

And so now we’re back to waiting some more. Hoping. Praying.

Bottom line: I’ve tweaked this place so much in the last few months that I’m sick of it. Can’t wait to be rid of it. Have you ever done that to a home…or manuscript?



  1. Soon enough we're going to be in that same position. . . with the house, not writing. ;) But I'm hopeful. A lot more than my Mom is. LOL :)


  2. When we sold our first home, we spent so much time painting, repairing, pressure washung, etc, it looked better than it ever did when we lived there. We almost hated to let it go.
    I dread ever having to prepare our current house to go on the market. It is about 70 years old and would really need some major renovations...but it sits on 39 acres, and maybe someone who wants the land will overlook some of the "defects" in the house!! LOL

  3. We're there, too, Sandy. Although the more we do to the house to make it nice for other people, the less inclined we are to part with it!


  4. The previous owners of our house didn't bother with making the house look nice before selling it to us.
    I wish I could even say that I've reached the point where I've got something tweaked, there's so much that our house still needs done that I'd be satisfied if half of it gets done.

  5. We just did that last year. I know what you mean. Love the book cover.

  6. I enjoyed reading about your moving experiences. I do love this new look, but...

    Some good news: We received two offers this past all the renovation was worth it. Now we're holding our breath and praying their financing goes through.

    Next step: Moving out of 4,200 sq feet and into 1,940 sq feet. Anyone need any furniture?



  7. Hey Sandy,

    Wish you luck with the new offers. Hope that everything will work out great for you:)

  8. We plan on remodeling soon and I am part excited about it and part dreading it. The exciting part will be when it is all done and the part I am dreading will be all the mess. So I can sympathize.
