Walking is my way of untangling the grey matter. Right now I have two WIPs both screaming for my attention; one is a historical western and the other is a contemp/paranormal. With all these characters elbowing for room in my head, I find it a little hard to focus. :)
Anyway. . .I've found the best way to sort them all out, and put them back where they belong, is to go walking. When we lived up north, going outside for a walk wasn't always an enjoyable thing to do (especially in January/February), but we're back in BC now, so I can walk to my heart's content. While I walk and sort, I need music, and who better to help me with that than Toby Keith? I find the louder I have my iPod cranked, the better I can think. Yes, I realize this is in direct opposition to what my parents said during all those hours of highschool homework, but that can't be helped. Sometimes Father doesn't know best. LOL
I'm curious to know what other methods people use to sort out the scramble when they're writing.
Oh this is a fun one! I write reviews for a website and I find that if I have a candle burning, apple dumplin scent, listening to my favorite radio station, Jazz music, chomping on my favorite snack, sweet-n-salty chex mix, and a tall cool glass of water I can concentrate really well! Oh and it has to be early in the day. I find I can't concentrate at all at night.
ReplyDeleteIt is funny the different things that inspire us.
Music inspires me as well. Sometimes, I think just taking a break period is the best thing for me. If I presure myself, I only get stressed. Exercise is always a great one. I love swimming in particular for relaxing.
ReplyDeleteOuch. . . if I were a writer, I just couldn't do it, two things at one time. And those are pretty different, but I still wouldn't be able to do it. LOL
ReplyDeleteBut if I had to. . . lots and lots and lots of notes around, or something similar. LOL
Michele - I tried the candle thing once. Woke up the next morning to find it still burning! Ooops. Thank God for candles in a glass jar, that's all I can say, but my house smelled just like banana bread, so that was nice. :)
bamabelle - you're right. Sometimes, we just need to back away to get a fresh perspective. I'll have to stick to walking, since I swim like a rock. LOL
LOL Lois - my oldest son once referred to me as the Queen of the Post-It Note. They're everywhere! And I like to keep a variety of colours around, too, so if I have notes on my heroine, those Post-Its are pink, and notes on my hero are on blue ones. :)
I like listening to music on my discman while reading or writing my articles.
ReplyDeleteIt's odd, Mary, but I can't listen to music while I'm reading. I *need* it when I'm writing, but reading is a whole different kettle of fish. :)
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteI sort of write short stories just for me and when I do it's always when the whole world is sleeping like 2.00 or 3.00 AM. So that nothing else is there but me and the writing. But when I'm reading sometimes I might have some soft music on, like something in the background.
Mona said: "So that nothing else is there but me and the writing."
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started writing for publication, my 3 boys were all still at home, so I didn't know what it was like to write in quiet. LOL The greater the noise level, the easier it was for me to focus. It was when it got quiet in the house that I couldn't concentrate. LOL Now, even though it's much easier to write when they're at school, it's hard to do in the quiet, so I guess that's why I like my music loud when I write.
I think it's wonderful that you write stories just for you! What a marvelous thing to have for yourself. :)
I used to love walking to help in sorting my thoughts. Now that I live on a busy country road with no sidewalks and have two little ones I can't do that anymore. Now it is my time working out to my indoor walk aerobics tapes instead.
ReplyDeleteHi Laura,
ReplyDeleteThe only writing I do is reviews. But I've discovered that if I take a long hot bath (must be at least na hour) I can usually think of what to say and how to say it next time time I'm at the computer.
Cherie said: Now it is my time working out to my indoor walk aerobics tapes instead.
ReplyDeleteI have a mental block about my treadmill. The motivation just isn't there for me, no matter how loud I crank my iPod. And using tapes or DVDs is a recipe for disaster around here. Oh, if these walls could talk. . . . .
Tammy - is there anything as glorious as a long UNINTERRUPTED bath? sigh
ReplyDeleteHi, Laura --
ReplyDeleteThis is a good question! It's fun reading everyone's replies. For me, taking a walk is great, but nothing beats a shower, a long bath...even washing dishes! When it comes to freeing your mind, there's definitely something magical about water.
Lisa :)
Lisa said: . . .but nothing beats a shower,
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! All last week I was struggling with a part of my wip and where it was going (or NOT going, as the case may be). For the life of me, I couldn't figure it out and to my surprise, the iPod and Toby didn't help! Thursday morning, I stepped into the shower and SHAZAM!! LOL
Oh I loved your last post Laura! That was really funny especially with the SHAZAM thrown in at the end. I haven't heard that word in a long, long time! Ha, ha! I have to agree though I love a shower or a long luxurious bath! Heavenly!
Music is a definite necessity. I have music on all the time. For me, it acts as a key to the inner me, to those most hidden vulnerabilities. Sometimes I just like to sit and write in stream of consciousness when I need to untangle my mind. First, it's always interesting to read how your mind works, and Second, I usually get a nice little pearl from it.