
Sunday, March 11, 2007

When things go Good -- and Bad

Happy 1st week of Daylight Savings everyone!

Not sure how you feel about the early changeover, but I’m ambivalent. I like it and I hate it. I like having all those extra hours of sunlight, but I just hate getting up in the dark. It takes me weeks to get my body clock adjusted.

I’m sort of in the same boat with my newest Night Guardian series release from Silhouette Romantic Suspense…

March 2007
ISBN 978-0-373-27527-4

The Night Guardians are a Navajo Brotherhood. They keep watch in the night against the evil Skinwalkers!

In SHADOW SURRENDER, he’d dreamed about her…
Navajo medicine man Lucas Tso had a special gift—psychic powers, coupled with vivid dreams about a mysterious woman. But when he came face-to-face with her, he wasn’t prepared for the feelings that stirred within him. FBI agent Teal Benaly was investigating a murder on the reservation, and Lucas wanted to protect her from the evil shapeshifters that had declared war on the Navajo people. Dark forces tempted him to their side, and he’d need Teal’s help—and her love—to keep him alive.

You can read an excerpt here:
Now on the one hand, I love this book. The hero, Lucas Tso, is my first real Beta hero and I matched him up with a strong but vulnerable FBI agent heroine. And this story is the most paranormal of all the Night Guardians to date. That makes the book unique for me and I feel protective about it. I even wrote in my first childhood pet, a black cat named Snow. And…I don’t absolutely hate the cover this time. Okay, it really doesn’t say it all and it’s a funny shade of gray, but it’s not the worst I’ve had.

On the other hand, there’s the bad (you knew it was coming, right?) Somehow two printers’ errors found their way into the book. Not just little errors, mind you. But in two chapters the last few lines have been totally left out! How embarrassing!

You can read the missing lines on my website:

I suppose I will learn to live with the printers errors. Just like I’ll soon adjust to Daylight Savings Time. Maybe Shadow Surrender will even turn out to be special all because of the errors. Who knows, years from now your copy may be worth thousands! (Don’t we wish)

Meanwhile, I’ve got a brand new graphics on my website and a brand new crossword puzzle for those of you who love them. I’m also running a contest for a chance to win autographed copies of the first five books in the Night Guardian series, along with a Barnes and Noble gift certificate in order to buy more books! Check it out here:


  1. Linda,
    Your book sounds terrific. I will keep an eye out for it.

    I totally sympathize with the printer's errors -- or someone's errors --which drive all authors nuts. I had one recently in which the heroine, in the last line of the book, told the hero she wanted to get started on those "three stair-step sons" because he had said he wanted to be like a friend of theirs (who had three little boys). And the book came out saying she wanted to get started on the "three stair stepsons."


    And then there was the reprint where they left out my prologue and epilogue. Sigh.

    Take heart. We've all been there!


  2. Ohmygosh Anne!

    I just had a few lines left out of this book. I'd be going nuts if they left out an entire prologue and epilogue!

    Thanks for making me feel better. I guess we all need to be reminded once in a while that things could be so much worse. I'm sorry you had all those problems.

    Now if my body would just get used to the dang clock not matching the sun.


  3. Hi,

    Sorry to hear that crazy things like that happened to both of you...I heard about little errors but never knew that the amount of printer's error could be that bad...

    Hopefully things will get better and the printer will be more careful in the future...

    On the bright side, winter is almost over! =)


  4. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for commiserating with us. Let's hope that these errors never happen to any of us ever again!

    We have lots of sunshine here today. It sort of compensates for the dark hours early in the morning. Maybe I should turn into a night person?


  5. Linda,

    Your welcome.

    I know what you mean about the body is also still trying to catch up / adjust to this...
    It is usually hard for the 1st few days, but I think it is harder this time since not only do we lost an hour but we lost it much more earlier than usual (it use to be in April)...

    Still...we can sort of tell ourselves we get to enjoy the sun for an hour later than usual?

    =) Liz

  6. Good idea, Liz!

    Even better, I find I'm not hungry for dinner when the sun is still shining and there are things to do outside. So maybe this changing over earlier will turn out to be a great diet trick!

    Well, we can always hope!

  7. Hey Linda,

    Hm...Thats a great idea too...New diet trick...never though about it... =)

    But the extra hour of sunlight also makes me think that Winter is almost over and Spring is soon going to be here!

    =) Liz
