
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day! Annie West

Here in Australia we're a day ahead of almost everyone else, so I think it's appropriate for me to wish you all a very happy Valentine's Day. It'll be the 14th of February when I wake up. I wonder what Valentine's Day will have in store for me this year?

Valentine's Day came early here when, along with other Harlequin authors Downunder, I was invited to the annual Harlequin Australia Ball. Now, if there's an incentive for a would-be author, that's a good one. The night was fantastic. There was a lovely crowd including a bunch of garrulous authors who were clearly excited to escape from their computers and chat to colleagues. There were men in dinner jackets and bow ties (and sundry other items of clothing), there were women in satins and glitter, there was gourmet food and fine wine, snowy white linen tablecloths, each sprinkled with red rose petals and huge candelabra.
There was music and dancing (including a particularly vigorous rendition of 'It's Raining Men'!) and above all there was the fantastic setting. We took over part of the normally austere and venerable Australian Museum and spent the night discussing romance under a lofty ceiling from which was suspended the giant skeleton of a sperm whale!
They say a picture is a worth a thousand words, so if you check out the smiles on the faces of the authors who attended, you'll know we had a fantastic ball. See for some of the Presents, Historical, Desire and Medical authors who attended.

The holiday theme has continued for me with the arrival today of a package of books (what could be nicer?). THE SHEIKH'S RANSOMED BRIDE won't be out till April in the UK and July in North America, but that didn't stop me celebrating its arrival.
And in honor of Valentine's Day, don't forget the contest for readers being run from my website. It's a chance to win one of 8 books by a swag of new Harlequin authors. The good news is that it's easy to enter and that it doesn't close until the end of the month. (Details at
Whatever you're doing, whatever you're celebrating, and whoever you're with, I hope 14th February contains romance and some darned good reading!


  1. Hi,

    Thanks Annie!
    It sounds like you had lots of fun in the ball.

    Happy Valentines Day to you too.

    =) Liz

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to Annie and everyone. The ball sounds absolutely amazing! Oh, and don't forget Annie's contest - everyone who wins a book gets a signed coverflat of my April Avon release CLAIMING THE COURTESAN too.

  3. Hello Annie!

    Wow you got to go to a ball! I am so glad you had a lot of fun!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you!:-)


  4. Hi Annie,
    I just checked out the pictures on your site. You and everyone looked wonderful at the Valentine's ball.
    The purple gown you wore looked beautiful. It's fun to get to play dress up isn't it.

    I see Bron was there also. Everyone looked like they had a wonderful time.

    I love The Sheikh books. There is just something about an Alpha male that I like.

    Anyway I hope you enjoyed your Valentine's day with lots of romance and chocolate.

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I love reading your sheik books. i hope you keep writing them. I had a great Valentine's Day. I'm glad you did too.

  6. The pictures of the Valentine's Ball are adorable. Everyone is beautiful (pink is my favorite color)

  7. Aww,

    Everyone seems so happy. Looks like everyone had a good time at the ball.

