
Friday, December 22, 2006

All I Want for Christmas Is...Reading Time! Annie West

December 23 and the festive season has started. Baking has been done, shopping ditto, last minute arrangements to see friends and family and today is the first of our celebrations.

There’s so much to look forward to at this time of year: the company, the fun, the fantastic food, the sense of shared goodwill, and, in this house always the books! This is when I catch up on at least some of my reading. Whether from the teetering To Be Read pile beside the bed, from the not-so-secret stash in the spare room, or from the books that have crept onto the coffee table in the living room, waiting to be picked up. And, of course, there are those lovely books given and received just in time for the summer holidays (I live in Australia).

And amongst the books I’d anticipated, I’ve just acquired a few extras, the first copies of my first sheikh story for Presents. I was agog to see the cover and was so pleased with the result. What a lovely present just before Christmas! If I have time after I wade through the mountain of other books I’ve got waiting for me I might just spend a little time with The Sheikh’s Ransomed Bride too. But somehow I think the siren call of all those other stories, with all their delicious secrets, will be too strong. Maybe I’ll just drool over the cover in between reading.

Where ever you are over the holiday season, I hope you manage to get your hands on a good read, or two, or three.

Best wishes to all!



  1. Hi,

    Just wanted to say congrats the book from Harlequin. more book added to my TBR is growing longer and longer. But I cant wait to read through it all.

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  2. oops.

    Meant "Just wanted to say congrats ON the book from Harlequin."

    Mispelling...things are just a bit hassle...

    well gtg, and once again,

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! to everyone


  3. Hi Liz,

    Thanks very much for the congrats. I'm thrilled to have my first Presents out next month.

    Commisserations on the TBR pile. I still haven't managed some down time for reading mine but I'm hoping...

    And, really, what would we do if our TBR stock disappeared completely? I think I'd be worried if I didn't have another book ready to read!


  4. Hey Annie,

    Your welcome on the congrats. It must be super exciting and a great way to start the new year.

    I have to confess that although I sometimes despair of my TBR pile, I am also happy about it too. I mean like you said, I would also be worried if I have no books to read.

    And I also have to confess that I just discovered the magic of audio books. I love being able to hold a book, be able to touch it, to turn the pages, take a peek look ahead or backwards in the stories. That's why I was a bit apprehensive when I heard about audio books.
    However,there are only so many hours in a day that I can have to read.
    Therefore, I started downloading some of the books from my public library and listen to them when I cant read (such as when I am walking, in a car,bus, etc).

    I may not be making a huge dent on my TBR pile, but it is a nice switch from time to time (from audio to paper and vice-versa).


  5. Hm....this is weird...I wonder why my post has a different heading (name - from Liz to Elizabeth...)

  6. Congratulations on your book, I know my TBR pile is also building since I received my on Christmas. What am I doing online? Get off and read already!

  7. Annie, great post. I'm gradually making my way through the TBR pile - it's so nice to have some time for a good read. Nothing is quite so relaxing, I find. Happy New Year to you and congratulations on having your first book out in America. I've read A Mistress for the Taking and it's fantastic.

  8. Hi Teresa and Anna. Thanks for the good wishes and Anna, thanks so much for the feedback on 'A Mistress for the Taking'!!

    Liz, I haven't used an audio book for a while now but they're great for long driving trips. They make the journey so much more enjoyable. And my parents use them all the time in the evening - much easier for them than getting eyestrain.

    I have to say though that my favourite is still a hard copy of a book I can curl up with in a comfy chair.

    Happy New Year all! Happy reading.

