
Friday, March 02, 2012

Taking it to the Streets by Sara Humphreys

With the launch of Untouched (Book #2 Amoveo Legend series) just about a month away, I’ve been wracking my brain to come up with a fun, engaging way to reach out to local book sellers. Mailing lists are fine and dandy but those folks get droves of promotional information in the mail, so the question becomes…How can I make my book stand out in the crowd?
The answer that came to mind was that it would be great to make a personal, face to face connection. But how could I do that nationwide? Thanks to one of my readers, I’ve found exactly what I’ve been looking for.
She mentioned that she is part of a street team. The team is made up of readers from all over the country who love paranormal romance and want to help spread the word about the latest books coming out from authors that they love.
I liked the idea so much, that I put it out to the Facebook universe to see if anyone would be interested in participating. I thought perhaps I’d get one or two volunteers but I was hoping to get ten. To my great delight, the response was overwhelming! So far I’ve got about 25 people who have signed on and they’re pumped to be a part of it. I’ve even got volunteers in Canada and Australia!
Not long after the volunteers started signing on, we decided that our team needed a name. There were a few different choices thrown out there but my team was quick to choose their favorite—Sara’s Angels.
So what, pray tell, will the Sara’s Angels street team do?
 I’ll ship each of my angels a batch of bookmarks and a promotional packet for the book sellers in their hometown. The team members will then hand deliver the materials to the local bookstore of their choice. When they get in front of the manager, they’ll have the chance to share their excitement about the series face to face---and that’s where the connection is made. The hope is that their excitement will make an impression on the book seller and they’ll pass that on to customers…along with the bookmarks. :)
It’s a minimal time commitment, each of them making an angel run two or three times a year—usually around the launch of a new book. In exchange for their awesomeness they’ll receive a special street team promo item each time. The first time Sara’s Angels will hit the street is this April and they’ll each receive a Sara’s Angels street team T-shirt—exclusively for team members.
Want to get psyched about the Amoveo? Adore sexy shapeshifters and alpha male heroes? Come on by my website and my blog for excerpts, book trailers and more! On Facebook? Join me!
So what do you think? Is this something you’d like to be a part of? Are you already on a street team? 
Leave a comment here on the blog and I'll select one lucky commenter to win an Amoveo prize pack which includes: A signed copy of UNLEASHED (Book #1 Amoveo Legend), temporary tattoos of the book cover of UNTOUCHED, Amoveo m&m's and a couple of bookmarks!

***Sara's winner is Barbara!  Congrats!!  Please send your info to Sara so she can get your prize in the mail!***


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Yea!! I'm part of Sara's Angels, and I am soo excited about it. I believe I have a unique opportunity as a book merchandiser to really be able to get in touch with not only my stores and other book sellers, but the customers as well. Can't wait for "Untouched"!!

  2. Super psyched to have you on board!!

  3. I would like to "ditto" wolfquilter and say that I am so excited to see what's in store for The Amoveo Legend!! Unleashed is such a great book with all of the essentials that make it difficult for me to put a book down. The right mixture of romance, supernatural, suspense and bad guys. Sara has introduced several characters that I can't wait to see what going on in their lives. I'm glad Kerri is next.......

    1. Hey Robin :) You've been a die-hard follower from the beginning and it makes my day to hear how much you enjoy the series. Can't wait to hear what you think of Untouched.

  4. i cant wait to get that first packet (yes, i am part of it as well.. whoohoo!!!!) libraries are a great place to put them as well, for people who cant really afford the books.. hmm... anxiously awaiting the new book as well.. yay!

    1. Hi Alaina-I love the idea of going to a library in your area! Good thinking.

  5. Street teams are wonderful. I would love to be a member,but we don't have any book stores locally. I have to order online for my books. I am looking forward to more books in you series. Good luck with all future books... :)
    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Michelle- Thanks for coming by today. If you have a library that you frequent, perhaps you could a street team member that way? Either way, thanks so much for checking out the series. Enjoy!

  6. I would love to be part of your team. I wish I lived in a town that had a book store or any place that sells books but unfortunely I don't but when I go to purchase a book I strike up a conversation with other readers and if they are at a loss for something to read I suggests books I have read and loved. I have recommended "Unleashed" twice because I loved it so much and both ladies bought one. I thought about taking my picture with those ladies and sending it to you to show you I could be a good "Ambassador" for your books. nicholsgail(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  7. Hey Gail--It's fantastic to hear that you're sharing your love of the series with your fellow readers. Thank you very much! You rock!

  8. The book "Unleashed", does not just consist of many characters but also shows romance on many levels. It's a read that if you want suspense and letting every chapter make want to know what will happen next, this is the perfect book for that. I have read Sara Taney Humphreys original, "The Amoveo Legacy" it was amazing as her newer version " Unleashed" but this book has more detail, more of everything. There was a time I couldn't find the book and I almost lost my mind that's how much I was wanting to read it. Her books to me are like movies, once you see/read one you want to see/read the next one for more or to see what's going to happen. She is an inspiration to me in my own area of writing.

  9. @Writer4Lyfe--Wow! That was simply lovely. Thanks so much for coming by and sharing your enthusiasm for the Amoveo Legend series!Keep following your dreams :)

  10. I have heard of street teams but have never tried to be a member. Had thought that the commitment for that sort of thing might be rather involved and feared that I wouldn't be able to do what was needed. However, what you describe sounds like fun and the responsibility something I could handle. Would love to be a part of it.

    little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

  11. @Lil--I'd love to have you on board! If you'd like to join Sara's Angels, just email me your address at Please put Sara's Angels in the subject line. Thanks a bunch :)

  12. I think street teams are a good way to get the word out. I'd be too shy to do it myself :)
    I used to see people doing this before, but haven't seen it lately.

  13. Hi Leni--Thanks for stopping by the blog today. I hope you're right about the street team. I think that people got away from this with the social media boom but I'm a big believer in the face to face connection....the human connection. Have a great night~

  14. I am on a couple of street teams. I love promoting the authors that I love. It also gives people a chance to meet new authors. Street teams are a good way to promote. Promoting on blogs, doing giveaways are also great ways to promote.
    Would love to win and read this book. This is a new author and series for me and always looking for new books to check out.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. @Christine--I'm glad to hear that you've had positive experiences with street teams! Great to meet you here in cyberspace.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I LOVE the idea of the Street Team...but, I'm not into putting myself 'out there' anymore. I have a hard time just getting out of the house some days. I suffer from anxiety and sometimes the stupid fear of a panic attack stops me cold at the front door...not asking for sympathy...just stating a fact. But, I LOVE to read...reading takes me beyond the front places and people beyond my imagination. Your Amoveo series sounds REALLY good...thx for the giveaway op! :)

    barbbattaglia @

    4:10 PM

  18. @Barbara-Thanks for coming by and introducing yourself to me. I do hope you'll check out the Amoveo Legend series and that it will whisk you away from page one.

  19. I'm not an angel...yet! But I would love to be a part of your street team. I am on Donna Grants street team and I love it it is so much fun! I devoured Unleashed yesterday in 4 hours!! I LOVED it. It was fast pace, hooked me right away...I was so disappointed when I had to stop reading to cook dinner!!! Im still thinking about it...i'm glad I don't have to wait very long for Untouched!!!! Malcolm was super hot...mmm can't wait for Dante!!!

    1. @andieleah-Yeah! I adore hearing how much readers enjoy my work and I'm loving the fact that you liked it so much you finished it in a few hours. I have a feeling you're going to enjoy Untouched too. I think Dante is delicious. If you'd like to be on the street team--I'd love to have you:) Just drop me an email at with your mailing address and put Sara's Angels in the subject line. Thanks for coming by!

  20. Being on a street team is just not my thing.
    I will recommend books to family and friends
    at any time, especially if I really am taken
    with them, just not in this manner. Thanks
    for the invi tation to join, "Good Luck"
    with your project.

    Pat C.

    1. @Pat--No worries. I'll take enthusiasm of any kind :) Thanks a bunch for swinging over here and checking it out. I hope you'll enjoy the world of the Amoveo.

  21. A street team is a great idea. I already recommend strongly to friends & family. I'm not sure I have the courage to go into book stores & strut my stuff though.

    1. @marybelle-Personal recommendations of any kind are awesome~! Thanks for coming to the blog today. It's great to meet you.

  22. So excited to be on the team Sara! Thanks for selecting me as an angel. And we have a great name :)

  23. @Sara-Thanks for volunteering to be one of my angels...and yes...we do have a super cool name ;)

  24. I got to meet Sara personally, when I won a military family contest that she participates in. Sara is a wonderful writer and I am very greatful to beable to partake in this adventure. I loved the first book so much that as soon as I was done reading I couldn't wait to share it with others!! Thanks Sara for reminding me why I love to read!!

    1. Hey Carrie--It was great meeting you in person too! I don't know if I can ever thank you enough for your support. You rock!!

  25. Hi Sara, looking forward to being part of Sara's Angels. Unleashed was awesome and I can't wait to start Untouched!

    1. Hi Laurie--I'm so happy to have you on the team. I'm psyched you enjoyed Unleashed and are looking forward to Untouched. I'm blessed to have such supportive readers :)

  26. Hi Sara,

    Looking forward to read your book soon ^^

    Ouch.. i never heard about Street teams. will love to be a member if could, no book stores locally in my town. usually I ordered book from online.

    1. Hi Eli-Thanks for swinging by the blog! I hope you'll enjoy the Amoveo Legend series. :)

  27. I think it's wonderful that so many people responded to your team. I hope it's successful.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

    1. Hi Maureen--Thanks for the well wishes. I hope it's successful too :)

  28. I was on a streat team before but not for an author, it sounds like fun and excitement to help promote books, I'd love to be part of it.

    1. Hi Dina-Thanks for volunteering! If you'd like to be a memeber of my street team, email your mailing address to Please put Sara's Angels in the subject line. Looking forward to having you on the team.

  29. This is an awesome idea! I've never been a part of something like this before, and would love to help out here in the Portland area any way I can.
    Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

    1. @Sebrina--Great to have you on the team!!!

  30. The winner is.....@Barbara! Congrats and check your email!
